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After selecting the mandatory data in the upper section, the user can continue entering the following data manually or with the field help.


If the document is created automatically, for example from the search filter of Customer Orders, from the Automatic Order Creation procedure, or from the Supplier Order Creation from Supplier Offer procedure, this data is retrieved from the source document from which it was generated.

By entering the Supplier, all the specific data previously set in the supplier record is automatically proposed. Among these, we recall: Currency, Exchange Rate, Currency Date, Country, Language, Zone, Shipping, Port, Packaging, Price List default and its validity period, Payments, Discounts, Destination, and Carrier. All these fields can be deleted or manually modified by the user.

Optional Fields

Requested Delivery Date and Delivery Date: if set before inserting the items into the order, they will be reported on the individual item lines. Alternatively, just press the Replace Expected Delivery Date in Lines button in the ribbon bar to update the dates on the item lines.
Order Confirmation Date: for Order Types that have the Automatic Order Confirmation flag, the current date is automatically entered at the time of order creation. To be able to fulfill a supplier order, a Confirmation Date must be entered.
Start Date: is the effective date for calculating payment deadlines.

The following flags indicate the status of the order:

  • Printed: this flag is automatically activated at the time of the final Print launch using the button in the ribbon bar. Alternatively, it can be manually activated to allow the order to be fulfilled in a DDT or invoice;
  • Cancelled: when the user wants to cancel a document instead of deleting it, the order is automatically marked as forcibly fulfilled in all its item lines;
  • Archived: when the user archives it.

Supplier Notes: this field is retrieved from the supplier record, but can also be entered manually.
Our/Your Reference: in these fields, an internal reference and a supplier reference for the document are usually indicated. If present, it is retrieved from the supplier record; otherwise, it can be entered manually.
If the order is completed using the Project Execution procedure, the Supplier Notes and Our/Your Reference fields will display the information present in the corresponding fields of the purchase order. This transfer is valid only if the supplier order is created by retrieving data from a single source document.
Initial Order Notes: you can select notes that have been previously entered in the table located at Configuration > Utilities > Manage Coded Notes. For this, the user must double-click on the Initial Notes field to open the Coded Notes Help and select the data.
Project: using the field help, you can link the document to a project. This association works only at the header level of the item. The project is entered automatically if the supplier order arises from a document containing it (for example, from planned purchase orders).
Production Job Order: using the field help, you can link the document to a production job order. If the order is created from the release of planned purchase orders, the job order is proposed automatically.

Country, Language, Zone are retrieved from the supplier record if present; otherwise, they can be entered manually.
Operator: allows you to enter the user who creates the document. If in the Supplier Order Parameters the flag Mandatory Operator Code is active, it will be mandatory to enter the employee in this field to save the order. Employees must be previously entered in the Employees table.

Fulfillment Status: when the order is fulfilled via a DDT or an invoice, its Fulfillment Status automatically changes from Unfulfilled to Partially Fulfilled or Fulfilled. The user can force the fulfillment of an order that is not completely fulfilled, and when this happens, the fulfillment date is also saved in the On Date field.

Shipping, Port, and Packaging are retrieved from the supplier record if present; otherwise, they can be entered manually.
Price List: if there is a price list with the Default flag in the supplier record, it will be proposed in this field along with its validity dates.
Update Price Lists: if this flag is active, the related purchase price list is automatically updated during saving with the item information. This flag can also be modified at the item line level.
Points of Sale: it is found under the Shipping menu item and is managed only by the verticalization concerning distribution chains. In the case of a supplier order created by transferring goods between points of sale in the same chain, this field displays the originating point of sale.

Specific Buttons

Project Execution: calls the procedure to create a supplier order from a purchase order. It is activated by entering the supplier and the type of supplier order.
Replace Expected Delivery Date in Lines: after specifying the Requested Delivery Date and/or Delivery Date in the order header, it is possible to mass replace these dates in the already entered item lines.


The Payment Terms are automatically retrieved from the Supplier Record > Payments tab and can be modified/deleted by the user.

If a Payment Type is associated with a financial discount, the discount amount is considered only for accounting purposes, i.e., in the document's deadlines and not in the total DDT.

If the document originates from an order or a supplier offer, the payment type is retrieved from the source document.

Specific Button

Delete Payments: used to delete the selected payment lines.


Only the predefined discounts retrieved from the Supplier Record > Discounts tab are proposed and not those attributed to payment conditions or specific items. They can be modified/deleted by the user.

The discounts proposed in the document header are carried over to each new item line inserted into the document.

If a new discount is added to the header after the item lines have been inserted, it will not be replicated in the already inserted item lines.

Specific button

Delete discounts: used to delete the selected discount lines.


Here, the information entered in the Supplier Record > Deliveries tab is proposed, only if default data exists. The combo box proposes all recipients, destinations, and carriers entered in the supplier record.

Shipping addresses (recipient/destination and carrier) can also be entered descriptively without being previously added among contacts.


In this field, it is possible to enter the Carrier who will ship the order. If this was entered in the Supplier Record > Deliveries tab, it can be selected from the drop-down menu of the second column. Alternatively, just double-click on the third column (Carrier) to select one of the company's contacts.

Optionally, you can add the Carrier Plate details and the Transport Date/Time.

Extra Data

Here, the information entered in the Entity Record > Extra Data tab is proposed, only if default data exists.