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In this tab, all items along with their respective data are entered.

Data is entered manually, using the field help or can be suggested by connected procedures.

Mandatory Data

Row Number: This field will be automatically filled in sequentially as data is entered into the row.

Row Type allows you to select from different types of items using the combo-box.


If you start directly with entering the item, its class, code, and row type - Coded Item will be automatically filled in.

Coded Item: These are items coded in the registry and can be accounted for analytically and recorded in inventory.
Uncoded Item: These are descriptive items that can be accounted for analytically but cannot be stocked in inventory.
Expense Item: These can be coded or uncoded items and are summarized separately in document summaries. If an expense item is coded and of tax interest, it will be stocked in inventory; if uncoded or not of tax interest, it won't be stocked.
Note Item: These are descriptive notes included in the document printout; they do not affect accounting or inventory.

Class/Code/Item Description: These can be entered manually or with the help of a field selector that proposes all related data entered in the Item Registry.

After entering the item, its Description will be automatically retrieved from the item registry. If the item has Variants, you can select the desired variant from the Item Data tab.

Unit of Measure: The primary unit of measure for the item is proposed, but if alternative units of measure are coded in the item registry, the user has the option to choose another one.

Quantity: Represents the quantity in the default primary unit of measure (U.M.). By default, it has a value of 1 and can be manually adjusted or retrieved from the document considered for processing.

Price: the price is proposed from the price list entered in the contact record; the reference price list for the item itself is displayed in the Discounts/Price Lists tab.

The same document may contain items with prices taken from different price lists, if multiple cascading price lists are associated in the contact record (see Contact Record).

By double-clicking in the Price Lists field (in the Discounts/Price Lists tab), the user has the option to select a different price list from the default one, from which the price of the inserted item will be taken.

In the absence of a price list, the proposed data can be taken from the last cost of the item record, if the Zero Cost in Absence of Price Lists flag is not active in the Purchase Orders Parameters.

VAT: The VAT (Value Added Tax) rate prioritizes the value entered in the VAT field of the Contact Record. If this field is empty, the value from the Item Record is proposed. However, the user can manually enter a different value. This field is mandatory.

Amount: automatically calculated net of discounts.

Total Discounts: indicates the total amount of discounts in the Discounts/Pricelists tab for each item line.

Optional Data

Supplier Article Code/Description: in this section, you can add the code and description used by the supplier to identify the item; this data is automatically proposed if an article supplier is associated in the item record's Preferred Suppliers tab.

Purchase Invoicing Type: the data entered in the General tab of the item record is proposed here. If absent, no data is proposed, and at the time of invoice accounting, the value entered in the Default Counterpart Cost/Revenue field of the contact record will be considered.

Requested Delivery Date and Delivery Date: indicate the requested and expected delivery dates. The dates entered in the header tab may be proposed or manually modified.

Specific buttons

Split Quantity into Multiple Delivery Dates: used to split the order line into multiple lines based on the requested delivery. This procedure opens a new form where the new requested delivery date and quantities for each date must be entered. Packaging: enabled after saving the order and allows the creation of a UDC (Unit of Delivery) from the selected line. The line must be a coded item saved in the document. The user must have rights within the Load/Unload Parameters for pallet loading. Additionally, the item must be managed as a UDC, and based on the settings in the Item Record's Packaging tab, the UDC will be created adhering to these criteria. Update Pricelists: the Update Current Pricelist button updates prices in the current pricelist for each selected item line; the Create New Pricelist with New Validity button opens a pop-up to enter the validity dates for the new pricelist, which will contain only the selected lines and will be addressed to the supplier specified in the order.


When creating/updating a pricelist through this procedure, only manually entered discounts are included in the pricelist.


Pricelist: the pricelist from which the item price was taken is proposed, along with start/end validity dates and any special conditions (e.g., discount tier type) assigned to the item in the pricelist.

Manual Price: activated automatically when the item price is manually entered or modified.

Pricelists to Update: if this flag is active, the item price is automatically updated in the corresponding purchase pricelist upon saving.

Discounts: all discounts associated with the item are proposed, each with its own calculation and assignment base.

Specific button

Delete Discount: allows deletion of the selected discount from the corresponding grid.

Item Data

Additional information related to the item is displayed/entered in this tab.

Variant: in this field, you can select a variant of the item from those previously coded in the Variants tab of the item record. If different prices and/or discounts have been set for each variant in the pricelist, they will be updated when selecting a different item variant.

Project: represents the project associated with the document. If a project has been entered in the document header, it will be carried over to all item lines; alternatively, it can be selected via the project help tool.

Notes: these are notes related to the item line, which can also be entered via the coded notes help. They will be included in all documents generated from this.

Brand: represents the brand of the item, taken from its record or from the item's pricelist.

Production Job Orders: if the purchase order is linked to a production job order (through the release of a planned purchase order and creation of a purchase order from a purchase request), the parent item from the job order is displayed here.

Request for Quotation: if the order was created from a request for quotation using the Create Purchase Order from Supplier Offer procedure, the reference request is displayed here.

Warehouse and Reason: the warehouse and associated reason that will appear automatically when loading the corresponding items into inventory. Data is taken from the Order Types but can be manually modified for each item line.

Production Jobs: if the purchase order was created through production planning, the related production job order is displayed here (see Automatic Purchase Order Creation).

Alternative Unit Price: if active, indicates that the price entered for the item line refers to the alternative unit of measure and not the primary one. This flag, along with the Alternative Unit of Measure and Alternative Quantity fields, is visible only if the Purchase Order Parameters flag for Managing Dual Unit of Measure is activated.

Unit of Measure/Alternative Quantity: if an alternative unit of measure has been coded in the item record's Alternative Unit of Measure tab with the Default flag, and the Automatic Proposal of Alternative U.M. flag has been activated in the Purchase Orders Parameters, these values will be proposed automatically when the item is inserted.


It can contain information about cost/profit centers to which the values of the items are allocated.

This data can be entered manually or automatically (if the cost/profit centers have been previously entered in the contact registry, item registry, or chart of accounts).

Extra Data

The list of Extra data connected to the item is displayed, with the option to add new extra data specific to the current document only. The Printable flag allows choosing which extra data to print.

Attached Documents

The details of any Attached Document are displayed (name, document type, any notes, our/your reference). For instructions on how to attach a document, please refer to the article Attach Documents.

Value Section

The bottom-right section provides a summary of the costs that contribute to the formation of the final price for each selected item in the grid of items.

Unit Price: The value of the Price field.

Quantity: The value of the Quantity or Alternative quantity, depending on the Alternative unit of measure price flag.

Line Amount: Item Price * Item Quantity.

Total Discounts: The sum of all discounts applied to the item, including final discounts.

Taxable Amount: Gross Amount - Discounts.

Tax: Taxable Amount * item VAT rate.

Total: Taxable Amount + Tax.