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In the various sections of this tab, the main information of the entire document and some specific buttons are presented.

Final Discounts

Discounts section allows you to enter percentage discounts to apply to the total document.

Discounts entered in this section are calculated and applied to each item in the document, in the Items > Discounts/Pricing tab.

  • Discount Type/Description: Allows you to choose discount types (predefined in Discount Types), assigning the type priority for applying the discount and whether the discount is calculated on the taxable amount or cascaded based on previously applied discounts.
  • Priority: Represents the priority for applying the discount; sorting is done in ascending order.
  • Cascade/Taxable Amount: Defines whether the discount calculation uses the taxable amount (price * quantity) - (already calculated discounts) or (price * quantity).
  • Value: Numerical value of the final discount to apply.


Expenses entered in the contact registry under the Expenses/Discounts tab are proposed.

Additionally, there is the possibility to add expenses specific to the current document only.

  • Type/Description: Allows you to choose expense types (predefined in the Expense Types table), specifying the percentage of expense to apply.
  • Expense Amount: Indicates the expense value in the document's currency.
  • VAT: Specifies the VAT rate to apply to the entered expenses.
  • Percentage/Value: Indicates whether to calculate the expenses as a percentage or with a predefined monetary value. Selecting value requires entering the expense amount in the corresponding field.
  • Percentage: Numerical value of the expense percentage.

VAT Summaries

The VAT summary of the document is presented, categorized by each VAT code.

Payment Deadlines

In this grid, the deadlines are listed based on the payment terms entered.

Other Fields

Final Notes: This is a descriptive field that can be filled out by the user, also using Encoded Notes Help.

Document Totals

  • Gross amount of items: Represents the sum of the values of all items.

  • Advance payment: Represents the value of any advance payment received for the document.

  • Gift amount: Represents the amount of gift items entered in the Items tab.

  • Total applied discounts: Represents the total value of discounts applied to the items, excluding final discounts.

  • Net amount of items: Gross amount of itemsTotal applied discounts.

  • Final discounts on items: Represents the value of final discounts expressed as a percentage of the gross amount of items.

  • Net amount after final discounts: Net amount of items - Total final discounts.

  • Total item expenses: Represents the value of expenses entered in the previous tab as Expense Type items.

  • Collection fees: Represents the sum of collection fees entered in the Expenses grid.

  • Stamp duty: Represents the sum of stamp duty fees entered in the Expenses grid.

  • Total expenses/discounts/increases: Represents the total value of expenses entered in the Expenses grid.

  • Taxable amount: Net amount of itemsFinal discounts + Total item expenses + Total expenses/discounts/increases.

  • Tax: Represents the sum of values contained in the VAT summaries.

  • Total: Taxable amount + Tax.