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The Sales area of Fluentis ERP is designed to ensure comprehensive and optimized management of business activities, offering a modular and interconnected structure that supports the entire sales process, from creating offers to analyzing margins.

Preliminary Configuration of the Area

Before using the available functionalities, a series of basic data must be managed: these are divided into two macro groups, Tables and Parameters.

Alternatively, the Fast Start procedure is available, for which it will only be necessary to manage a minimum set of data such as the Registers.

Sales Modules


Creation, monitoring, and updating of commercial proposals, directly integrating them with business processes.


Management and organization of the purchasing process of goods and services by customers.

Delivery Notes

Tracking and documentation of the movement of goods for outgoing shipments.


Certification of the sales transaction, specifying the goods or services provided, costs, VAT, and payment conditions.


Management of sales directly at the cash register, with tools for creating and managing invoices, issuing receipts, and automatically updating inventory levels.

Agent Settlements

Management of sales directly at the cash register, with advanced tools for creating and managing invoices, issuing receipts, and automatically updating inventory levels.

Sales Price Lists

List of prices for the products or services offered to facilitate the sales process and include any applicable discounts.

Price Management

Management of additional discounts based on the customer's commercial category or other discount definition policies.

Integrations with Other Areas


Automatic update of STOCKS in real time during the registration of sales documents.

Possibility to generate Picking and Load Plans directly from customer orders, further transforming them into DDT and Invoices for optimized shipment management.

Planning and Production

Support for Demand Planning through integration with sales processes, particularly useful for production models such as: Make to Order (MTO), Engineering to Order (ETO), Assembly to Order (ATO).

This connection ensures alignment between sales orders and production activities, improving resource planning and operational efficiency.


The integration ensures smooth and accurate management of administrative transactions resulting from sales documents, reducing errors and automating accounting registration.

Management Control

Provides advanced analysis tools to monitor profit margins related to each sales process.

Enables detailed analysis of commercial performance, favoring the optimization of sales strategies and improving business profitability.

Typical Operational Flow of the Area

  1. Opportunity Acquisition: offers are managed through the CRM module, collecting information on existing and potential customers.
  2. Conversion of Offers into Orders: accepted offers are transformed into orders, centralizing information to proceed with the process.
  3. Automatic Document Creation: delivery notes (DDT) and sales invoices are automatically generated from the orders.
  4. Retail Sales (POS): operations at the cash register are managed through the POS module, which records sales and updates accounting in real time.
  5. Price Management: updating and historical documentation of prices and discounts associated with coded items.
  6. Commission Settlement: commissions for agents are calculated and settled automatically, streamlining commission management.