Work Center
Through this form, various work centers can be coded, including information related to the machines and labor groups that compose them.
The table allows for the insertion of new records or to search for existing ones to view, modify, or delete them.
Search Work Center
The form consists of a filter area and a results area. Once all desired filters are set, simply click the Search button to view the results in the results grid.
Insertion of Work Center
To insert new codes, you must click on the first empty row in the grid or press the Insert button.
The mandatory information for creating a new work center includes: the code, description, and type.
The form consists of a main section where the following data related to the work center is entered:
Work Center: indicates the code of the work center (CdL);
Work center description: indicates the description of the work center (CdL);
Fixed time: indicates that the work center operates on a fixed time basis, meaning the processing time of the item does not depend on the number of pieces;
Infinite capacity: indicates that the work center operates with infinite capacity; therefore, it has such great availability that it can be continuously loaded;
Work center type: indicates whether the work center is internal or external;
Machine: indicates the machine code associated with that work center;
Machine number: indicates the number of equivalent machines;
Labour Group: indicates the code of the labor group associated with the work center;
Workers number: indicates the number of workers in the work center;
Priority for Calendar Availability Calculation: indicates which criteria to use to calculate the availability over time of that work center;
Division: indicates the code of the department in which the work center is located;
% Work Center Utilization: indicates the percentage of efficiency of the work center;
% Minimum Occupancy Level: indicates the minimum percentage that must be free in the work center to assign it another activity;
Work start hour: indicates the start work time of the work center;
Start pause: indicates the start break time of the work center;
Break end time: indicates the end break time of the work center;
Work end hour: indicates the end work time of the work center;
Daily Hours: indicates the total daily hours worked;
Working Shift: indicates the code of the work shift associated with the work center;
Shift description: indicates the description of the work shift associated with the work center;
Insert date: indicates the date the record was entered;
Last edit date: indicates the date of the last modification of the record;
Machine description: indicates the description of the machine;
Labour group description: indicates the description of the labor group;
Division description: indicates the description of the department;
In the second section, exceptions regarding the working hours of the selected work center can be entered.
For everything not detailed in this document about the common functioning of forms, refer to the following link Common Functionality, Buttons, and Fields.