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P.P.E. deliveries/returns

The management can be found at Home > Employees > P.P.E. deliveries/returns > P.P.E. deliveries/returns

What it is for

This procedure allows you to register the deliveries and returns of P.P.E. to Employees.

The form consists of a filter area, a proposed data area, and a results area.
Once all desired filters are set, simply click the Search deliveries or Search for returns button to display the results in the results grid.

Specific Buttons

Search Deliveries

The search for P.P.E. to be delivered is based on the active P.P.E. expected for the Task and the Employees who hold the same Task.
Based on the set filter, results are displayed in the results grid. The Expected date:

  • is not displayed if deliveries of P.P.E. have never been made for the Employee;
  • is displayed in red if the expected delivery of the P.P.E. is overdue compared to the current date;
  • is calculated based on the date of the last delivery made plus the Monthly validity indicated in the Task held by the Employee.
  • if the Employee holds multiple Tasks and the same P.P.E. is needed for multiple Tasks with different Monthly validity, the Monthly validity considered for the calculation of the Expected date will be the lesser ones.

Propose Deliveries

Button enabled only if a Search deliveries has been previously performed.
Proposes the Quantity delivered as 1 (one) in all rows displayed in the Results Area.

Delete Deliveries

Button enabled only if a Search deliveries has been previously performed.
Proposes the Quantity delivered as 0 (zero) in all rows displayed in the Results Area.

Search Returns

The search for P.P.E. to be returned is based on the P.P.E. delivered to the Employees.
Based on the set filter, results are displayed in the results grid.
The Expected date is displayed in red if the expected return of the P.P.E. is overdue compared to the current date.
No checks are made to ensure that the Quantity returned is consistent with the Delivered Quantities previously.

Propose Returns

Button enabled only if a Search for returns has been previously performed.
Proposes the Quantity returned as 1 (one) in all rows displayed in the Results Area.

Delete Returns

Button enabled only if a Search for returns has been previously performed.
Proposes the Quantity returned as 0 (zero) in all rows displayed in the Results Area.


All rows present in the Results Area with Quantity delivered or Quantity returned greater than zero will be inserted into the P.P.E. delivery/return history, as of the Delivered/Returned on date present in the Data proposed for deliveries/returns area.

Management Areas


The data filter consists of the following information:

Deliveries/Returns for the employee: this is the Employee for whom you want to search for D.P.I. to deliver/receive.
Deliveries/Returns for P.P.E.: this is the P.P.E. that you want to deliver/receive.

Proposed Data for Deliveries/Returns

The information contained in this expander is mandatory for registering the deliveries/returns.
The expander consists of the following information:

Delivered by/Returned to: this is the person who delivers the P.P.E. to the Employees / receives the P.P.E. from the Employees.
Delivered/Returned on date: this is the delivery/return date of the P.P.E.. to the Employees.


The list consists of the following information:

Expected date: this is the expected delivery/return date of the P.P.E. to the Employees.


Code: this is the code of the recipient Employee.
Surname: this is the surname of the recipient Employee.
First Name: this is the name of the recipient Employee.


Code: this is the code of the P.P.E. to be delivered/returned.
Description: this is the description of the P.P.E. to be delivered/returned.


Delivered: this is the Quantity delivered of the P.P.E. to the Employee.
Yield: this is the Quantity returned of the P.P.E. from the Employee.

Signed: indicates whether the Employee has signed the Delivery/Return Form for acceptance.
Use: free notes on the subject; proposed from the list of P.P.E. required for the Task held by the Employee.
Prescriptions: free notes on the subject; proposed from the list of P.P.E. required for the Task held by the Employee.
Notes: free notes.

For everything not detailed in this document regarding the common functionality of the forms, please refer to the following link Common Features, Buttons, and Fields.