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The module allows for the planning and recording of corporate training courses implemented to increase the level of education necessary for resources to ensure the maintenance and continuous improvement of the management system.

Managed Documents

Basic Courses

These are templates of training courses that are conducted either periodically or non-periodically: upon the hiring of new employees, upon their role changes, or periodically for renewals required by laws and regulations.

In addition to the basic course Type and Title, the managed information includes: Validity, Expected Hours and Costs, Contents, Sector and Area of interest, Category, Teacher and their requirements, and other references. In the Renewal section (if applicable), the course renewal information is inserted: Renewal data, Contents, Expected Hours and Costs, Frequency, and other references. It is also possible to indicate the corporate Duties involved in conducting the course.

Using the buttons Schedule next course and Schedule next renewal, it is possible to generate the Training or Renewal Course that will include some of the information present in the Basic Course.

Training Courses

The Training Courses provide information regarding the execution of Information, Training, and Instruction courses for employees.

The managed information includes: Course Type, Year, Number and Date, Title, references to the Basic Course, whether it is a Scheduled Course, if it is a Renewal, course confirmation data, Contents, information related to the Coordinator and Responsible person, to the Teacher, any Co-teacher, Sector and Area of interest, Category, whether the course is of Information, Training, or Instruction, the venue, Planned and Actual Hours and Costs, and other references.

In the following sections, it is possible to manage: the Course Dates, with the details of how many hours of theory and practical training are planned and actual; it is also possible to indicate the Duties involved in conducting the course … from this list, the involved Employees will be proposed where it is possible to record the hours of theory and practice conducted and information related to the effectiveness evaluation.

Getting Started

for Basic courses:

for Training courses:

Connections with Other Modules

The Training Courses module is not connected to any other module.