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Staff Management Parameters

The parameters can be found at the path Parameters > Employees > Staff Management Parameters.

The data present in this management is used to provide information in the following processes:

Basic courses - in the Header info;
Training courses - in the Header info;
P.P.E. deliveries/returns - in the prints of D.P.I. delivery note and D.P.I. return note.

Saving Staff Management Parameters

To be able to save the modified information, you must click the Save button.

Specific Fields

expander Training courses

Basic Course Type: Basic Course Type to propose when entering a Basic course.
Training course type: Training course type to propose when entering a Training course.

expander P.P.E. management

Delivery sheet body note: free annotations on the subject, proposed in the print of D.P.I. delivery note.
Delivery sheet footer note: free annotations on the subject, proposed in the print of D.P.I. delivery note.
Return sheet body note: free annotations on the subject, proposed in the print of D.P.I. return note.
Return sheet footer note: free annotations on the subject, proposed in the print of D.P.I. return note.

For everything not detailed in this document regarding the common functioning of forms, refer to the following link Common functionalities, buttons, and fields.