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Training course

The management can be found on the path Home > Employees > Training courses > New Training course or can be executed from the Search Training courses.

What it is for

Training courses provide information regarding the implementation of Information, Training, and Instruction courses: upon hiring new employees, upon their changes in role, periodically for renewals required by laws and regulations, to enhance the required skills.

Command Buttons


Pressing this button saves all modified information of the Training course displayed.


To duplicate an existing Training course into a new Training course, it is necessary to press the Duplicate button. A request is displayed:

Training course type: it is the Training course type of the new Training course (mandatory data), the Type of training course of the source Training course is proposed.
title: it is the Title of the new Training course (mandatory data).
Area: it is the Area of the new Training course, the Area of the source Training course is proposed.
Sector: it is the Sector of the new Training course, the Sector of the source Training course is proposed.
Course category: it is the Course category of the new Training course, the Course category of the source Training course is proposed.

Then press the OK button or the Cancel button if you wish to proceed with the duplication activity or not.
At the end of the process, the new Training course is displayed.

Update Employees

The button is enabled only if there are Involved Roles.
After entering a Task in the list present in the Involved Roles tab, to add the Employees who hold the newly entered Role, it is necessary to press the Update employees button. The *Employees already present in the list of Involved employees will not be modified.

Data Management

Header Data

The managed information is:

Training course type: it is the Type of training course (mandatory data).
Upon manual entry of a new Course, the Type of training course indicated in the Staff Management Parameters is proposed.

Year/Number/Date: these are the Year and Number of the Training course entry (mandatory data).
Upon entry of a new Training course:

  • the Date is proposed as today’s date;
  • the Year and Number are proposed based on the Date and the Numbering associated with the Type of training course.

title: it is the Title of the new Training course (mandatory data).

Basic course type/Code/Title: these are the references of the Base Course if the Training course was created from a Base Course.
This information is read-only.
Notes referring to basic course: this information is read-only; they are the notes of the Base Course if the Training course was created from a Base Course.

Planned: this information is read-only; it indicates that the Training course has been planned.

Renewal: this information is read-only; it indicates that the Training course is for renewal training.

Confirmed: it indicates that the Training course is underway and therefore is Confirmed.
Upon confirmation, the Confirmation date is automatically proposed as today’s date. The date can be changed later.

Confirmation date: it is the date when the Training course was Confirmed.
Upon entering the date, the Course is automatically Confirmed.

Contents: free notes on the subject.
Coordinator and Manager: free notes on the subject.
Tutor: it is the Teacher required or who has conducted the Training course.
CoTutor: it is the Co-teacher required or who has conducted the Training course.
Tutor requirements: free notes on the subject.
Foreign presence: free notes on the subject.
Efficacy evaluation: free notes on the subject.
Normative requirements: free notes on the subject.

Sector: it is the company Sector to which the Course is directed.
Area: it is the company Area to which the Course is directed.
Course category: it is the Course category.
Information: it indicates that the Course is for Information, and the indication is accompanied by any free notes on the subject.
Training: it indicates that the Course is for Training, and the indication is accompanied by any free notes on the subject.
Training: it indicates that the Course is for Instruction, and the indication is accompanied by any free notes on the subject.
Event location: free notes on the subject.

Completed/At date: it indicates that the Training course has been Completed and on which date.
Upon completion, the Date is automatically proposed as today’s date. The date can be changed later.
Upon entering the date, the Course is automatically Completed.

Scheduled/effective hours: these are the planned and actual training hours.
Scheduled/effective cost: it is the estimated cost to incur and the actual cost incurred for the training.
Maximum score: it is the maximum score that can be assigned.
Course notes: free notes on the subject.
Absent notes: free notes on the subject.
Notes: free notes.

Course Dates

In this list, it is possible to define general dates and times, both theoretical and practical, planned and actual, the subjects to be covered and covered, and the various teachers.
The list consists of the following information:

Planned Data

Date: it is the planned date of the course.
From: it is the planned starting time of the course on the planned date (in the hh:mm format).
hour: it is the planned ending time of the course on the planned date (in the hh:mm format).
Theory hours: these are the planned theory hours in the planned hours and on the planned date (in the hh:mm format).
Practice hours: these are the planned practical hours in the planned hours and on the planned date (in the hh:mm format).
Topics to be covered: free notes on the subject.
The sum of the theory and practical hours to be carried out must be equal to the difference between the planned start and end times.

Actual Data

Date: it is the actual date of the course.
From: it is the actual starting time of the course on the actual date (in the hh:mm format).
hour: it is the actual ending time of the course on the actual date (in the hh:mm format).
Theory hours: these are the actual theory hours done in the actual hours and on the actual date (in the hh:mm format).
Practice hours: these are the actual practical hours done in the actual hours and on the actual date (in the hh:mm format).
Topics covered: free notes on the subject.
Tutor: it is the Teacher who conducted the Course.
CoTutor: it is the Co-teacher who conducted the Course.
Absent notes: free notes on the subject.
Notes: free notes.
The sum of the actual theory and practical hours done must be equal to the difference between the actual start and end times.

Involved Roles

These are the Tasks interested in participating in the Refresher.
Based on the listed Roles, by pressing the Update employees button, the Employees who hold them are proposed.
The list consists of the following information:

Task: it is the code of the Role.
Task description: it is the description of the Role.
Notes: free notes.

Involved Employees

In these two lists, it is possible to indicate the Employees, expected to attend and those who actually participated in the planned Training course, their assessment, and the details of the dates and times of participation.

The list of Involved employees consists of the following information:

Code: it is the code of the Employee.
Surname: it is the surname of the Employee.
First Name: it is the name of the Employee.
Theory hours: these are the total actual theory hours completed (in the hh:mm format).
Practice hours: these are the total actual practical hours completed (in the hh:mm format).
Assessment date: it is the date of the course evaluation.
Evaluation: free notes on the subject.
Score: it is the value of the score obtained.
Efficacious: indicates whether the Course was effective.
Notes: free notes.

The list of Selected employee course dates related to the Employee selected in the list of Involved Employees consists of the following information:

Effective date: this information is read-only; it is the actual date of participation in the course.
From: it is the actual starting time of the course on the actual date (in the hh:mm format).
hour: it is the actual ending time of the course on the actual date (in the hh:mm format).
Theory hours: these are the actual theory hours completed on the actual date (in the hh:mm format).
Practice hours: these are the actual practical hours completed on the actual date (in the hh:mm format).
Notes: free notes.
The sum of the actual theory and practical hours done must be equal to the difference between the actual start and end times.

For anything not detailed in this document regarding the common operation of forms, refer to the following link Common functionalities, buttons, and fields.