Duplicate production cycles
The duplication of work cycles allows for the use of filters to search for the cycle(s) from which to start the duplication of the new cycle you want to create.
Once the filters are set and the Search button is clicked, the results of the search are displayed in the central grid.
The user can select an item present in the results grid, which will become the starting item for the duplication, and proceed to enter in the section at the bottom of the page the class, code, version, and possibly the variant of the item on which they want to copy the selected cycle (company and division are automatically set to be the same as the company and division in which they are working).
Once all the data is set, clicking on the icon located on the ribbon bar called Duplicate production cycles will activate the procedure that generates, for the indicated item, a cycle that is exactly identical to the starting one.
Specific button:
Duplicate production cycles: a button that activates the procedure that allows for the duplication of a work cycle.
For everything not detailed in this document regarding the common operation of the forms, please refer to the following link Common functionalities, buttons, and fields.