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The module is located in the purchasing area Purchases > Goods Receipt and represents an intermediate step that allows you to register the arrival of goods sent by a supplier, thus updating warehouse stocks without having to first create the Transport Document or the Purchase Invoice.

Operational Flow

  • Creation: The goods receipt can be manually entered by the operator when the goods arrive or it can be generated from a supplier order using the Get from Orders button.
  • Warehouse registration: The goods receipt can be loaded into the warehouse using the appropriate procedure.
  • Linked Documents: From a goods receipt, it is possible to Create a Purchase DDT or a Purchase Invoice.

Operational Benefits

  • Immediate stock updates: The module allows for real-time registration and updating of incoming goods quantities, ensuring that the warehouse is always aligned with actual stock and preventing errors or discrepancies in inventory data.
  • Seamless integration with other business processes: The goods receipt is closely linked to purchase orders and the warehouse and allows for the automatic creation of related documents such as DDT and purchase invoices.
  • Traceability: Each receipt is tracked in the system, providing complete visibility of the flow of goods.


Before using the module, it is necessary to fill in the following parameters and tables: