Search Records
This feature allows you to search for all warehouse records present in the database with the purpose of viewing, modifying, and possibly deleting them, or proceeding to insert a new record; the window consists of a filter area and a results grid.
Once all desired filters are set, simply click the Search button to display the results within the results grid.
To open the details of a record, simply select it and double-click the mouse or click the Modify button (which allows you to enter the details and modify them) or the View button (which allows you to enter the details and view them but without the ability to modify).
From this form, you can also insert a new warehouse record using the New button.
The results grid consists of the following fields:
Warehouse: the column displays the code of the warehouse for which the record was generated;
Template: the column displays the code of the warehouse reason that generated the movement and thus has been entered in the header of the record;
Date: the column displays the date of entry of the warehouse record;
Number: the column displays the progressive number of the warehouse record;
Reference document: the column displays what is present in the "Reference Document" field of the record header;
Document date: the column displays the date of the reference document present in the record header;
Loading / Unloading: the column displays the type of record. It can only be loading or unloading;
Counterparty Warehouse: the column displays the code of the counterparty warehouse record, if present;
Counterparty Reason: the column displays the code of the counterparty reason of the record, if present;
Counterparty Number: the column displays the progressive number of the counterparty record, if present;
Counterparty Reference Document: the column displays what is present in the "Reference Document" field of the counterparty record header, if present;
Account / Subaccount / Account Description: the column displays the account, subaccount, and the name of the client or supplier entered in the warehouse record header.
For all other details not specified in this document regarding the common operation of forms, please refer to the following link Common Functions, Buttons, and Fields.