Creation of Purchase Invoices from Goods Receipt
The procedure opens via the path Purchases > Purchase Invoices > Procedures > Create Invoices from Goods Receipt.
It offers the possibility to enter filters to search for receipts, select them, and create the invoice. You can filter by: document number, date, account, document type, item, and project.
- Invoice Number and Date: allow you to specify the internal number and the date related to the invoice that will be generated by the procedure. If not filled in, the internal number field of the invoice will be empty, and the procedure will use the current date.
Specific button:
Purchase Invoices from Goods Receipt Issue: after setting the parameters and selecting the lines to be populated, the invoice can be created using this button.
In this tab, the user has the opportunity to configure the parameters for invoice creation.
Mandatory Data:
- Purchase invoice type: indicates the document type to be used for the creation of the invoice.
- VAT: indicates the VAT Rate to be inserted on the item lines of the invoice.
- Purchase turnover type: to be set on the item lines of the invoice.
Optional Data:
Recompute cost/revenue centers: allows you to choose whether to recalculate the cost/revenue centers at the time of invoice creation.
It offers the possibility to search, view, and cancel operations performed.
To cancel an operation, just select the row corresponding to the invoice to be deleted in the upper grid and click the Currency adjustment rollback button located in the ribbon bar.
Each row of the upper grid (which contains the number, date, and user who created the invoice) corresponds to one or more rows in the lower grids Invoices and Receipts. In these two grids, by double-clicking on the relevant row, the user can open and view the recently created invoice or the receipt.