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New Employee

This window allows you to enter the details of a new Employee. The data in the upper part consists of:

Emp. code: contains the unique code of the employee;

Username: contains the user of the employee;

Password: contains the access password for the user;

User: it is possible to link an operator to the employee registry;

Surname: contains the last name of the employee;

First Name: contains the first name of the employee.

Payroll employee code: a code that identifies the employee in payroll management - essential; otherwise, the employee will not be found in the search for payroll data calculation. The same code will be used in the file layout generated for the export of data to external systems to Fluentis.

There are several tabs available.

Generality Tab
This tab contains general data of the employee, for example: Position code: it is a predefined table where a charge code can be assigned; Agent: contains any agent registry linked to the employee; IBAN: contains the employee's IBAN; ID/C.I. Release Date: contains the specifications of the employee's identity document; Employee payable account: contains the account in which to allocate debts towards the employee.

Qualification Allocation Tab
In this tab, it is possible to allocate the qualifications of the employee through fields such as Contract Levels and Qualifications. It is also possible to assign a Cost center and a Cost element, data that will also be transferred to the next tab.

Shifts and Vacation Tab
In this tab, it is possible to enter: Working time: contains the typical working hours of the employee; Activity statements reasons: contains the default reason to propose in the activity declaration; Working Shift: indicates the typical work shift of the employee; Vacation: contains indications on previous and updated leave.

Indemnities Tab
This tab contains any indemnities of the employee, coded through: Code: contains the code of the indemnity; Description: contains the description; Value: contains the value of the indemnity to be applied. Indemnities can be coded in the relevant table, accessible with Open Form.

Tasks Tab
This tab contains the tasks of the employee, which can be coded in the Tasks table and completed by: Start date: contains the start date of the duty; End date: contains the end date of the duty; Category: contains the category of the duty, which can be coded in the Tasks Category table and the respective Description.

Studies and Languages Tab
In this tab, it is possible to indicate the studies obtained by the employee, coded in the [Academic Qualifications] table, and the Known Languages, coded in the [Known Languages] table, both accessible with Open Form.

Curriculum and Courses Tab
In this tab, it is possible to manually enter additional data of the employee in the grids Curriculums and Refresher course. This data is complemented by the Start date, End date, any coded Supplier, the Hours number, the Cost, the Evaluation, etc.

Special Situations Tab
It is possible to enter special situations not covered by other tabs in this tab. These situations can be coded in the Special Situations table.

Hiring Tab
In this tab, you can indicate the information related to the employee's hiring: Association type: it is possible to indicate a type coded in the Hiring Types table; Currently in test: it is possible to indicate if the employee is currently in the probation period; Start date: contains the hiring start date; End date: contains the hiring end date; Duration: is a calculated data based on the entered dates and indicates the total hiring days. It is possible to indicate a total of three hiring periods.

Employment History Tab
This tab contains the employment history of the employee associated with specific positions; the required data is: From Date/To Date: the time frame in which the employee remained in a particular position; Plant: contains the reference plant; Working place: contains the work station; Risk: contains the associated risk.

Extra Data Tab
This tab contains any Extra Data for the employee. For more information, refer to the Extra Data section.