Vacation / Leave Request
The Leave/Permission request allows the user to directly request days or hours of leave, permissions, or sickness from Fluentis. The information required to be entered by the user includes:
From date/To date: the period of time, in days and hours, for which the request is to be made is entered; by leaving 00:00 as the start and end time, during the activity declaration generation phase, the configured start and end times in the resource's shift will be used;
Asset: the resource of the user accessing Fluentis is proposed;
Reason: contains the list of absence causes configured for the company.
Managed: flag indicating whether the request has already been handled. It can be enabled manually or at the end of the procedure performed with the button "Confirm Period"
Creation date: this is the date of creation of the request;
User who created: contains the user who created the request and proposes the same user accessing the system;
Manager: list of users from which to select the manager figure for the resource; this data is not mandatory;
Team Leader: list of users from which to select the team leader figure for the resource; this data is not mandatory;
Email: the email of the user making the request is proposed;
Email CC: email address that will be included in cc in the automated approval email for the request; if selected team leader and/or manager, their respective emails will be included in cc;
Subject: description of the request;
Note: it is possible to further detail the request;
Results: any results if the request is processed through a workflow (e.g., confirmed, canceled, reason for cancellation, etc.)
In the ribbon bar, the following buttons are present:
Grant Off Period: clicking the button will open the screen to enter the reference project, activity category, and the flag to Create a leave period in the activity declaration with the data just entered. A notification can be sent via email to the relevant resource. At the end of the procedure, it will enable the "Managed" flag.
Rollback Period: allows deleting the activities generated by the confirm period and restoring the Managed flag.
Open resource calendar: Opens the calendar view that allows selecting different resources and evaluating the existing appointments.
Possible scenarios related to Confirm period with overlaps:
the leave request already has the "Managed" flag enabled: a request will be made "Request already managed, do you want to proceed again?" Responding no will block the entire process. Responding yes will re-enter the leave activity declarations and overwrite those generated previously by the leave request (if present).
the leave request has the "Managed" flag disabled but there are other activity declarations in the same period: "The activities overlap: activity detail - leave Do you want to continue?"
Responding Yes: all activity declarations for the requested leave period will be generated.
Responding No: only the activity declarations for the days without other activity declarations present will be generated.
If there is even one activity declaration for a partial working hour in the day, the day will still be skipped, and no leave will be entered.