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New Work Project Status

In this form, it is possible to manually enter the data of a new Work project status or rather consult the results derived from the procedures for creating the Work Progress. This document aggregates profits and costs derived from projects. The data includes:

Type: contains the type of progress; it refers to the Job progress type table, which identifies them with a Code, a Description, and a Numbering;

Project: contains the linked Project;

Comparable: indicates whether the document can be compared in the future;

View in analysis: makes the document visible in analyses;

Note: contains any notes;

Number/Date: contains the number and date of the document;

Confirmation date: contains the date of confirmation of the work progress status;

Qty orig. Costs/UM orig. Costs: indicates the quantity and unit of measure of the original project costs;

Qty calc. Costs/UM calc. Costs: indicates the quantity and calculated unit of measure of the project costs;

Qty orig. Profit/UM orig. Profit: indicates the quantity and unit of measure of the original project profits;

Qty calc. Profit/UM calc. Profit: indicates the quantity and calculated unit of measure of the project profits.

There are also two grids, Summaries and Details, which contain detailed information about the project's interventions.