Request Intervention Type
The table is accessible from Tables > Project Management > Request Intervention Type. The table contains the possible types of Intervention Request. It consists of a filter section where you can search through the code and description, and a grid where all the entered request types will be listed (just click on the Search button in the ribbon bar to view them).
Also within this form, you can add new project types to the grid by clicking on the New button: this will add a new row in the grid where you can define the following information, which will be associated with the document:
Type: contains the code of the request type;
Type Description: is the description of the type;
Numeration: is the associated numeration; Ticket Severity: contains the default Severity of the tickets for this type;
SLA: contains the associated Service Level Agreement;
Description: contains the description of the SLA;
Intervention Type: is the associated type of intervention;
External/Internal: this flag indicates whether the intervention request is internal or external.
Planned Type: indicates the predefined planning type;
Description: contains the description of the planned type.
Color: color for identifying intervention requests in the project area calendars, such as Planner and WBS Resource Allocation.