The planner is available for the Fluentis Universal license and can be opened from the Project Management Area > Planner, allowing you to view the calendar related to resources, projects, and clients.
Upon opening, the calendar for the current user's resource is proposed, but it is possible to view multiple calendars simultaneously:
Open the filters tab on the left, in the Resources tab click search to view all available resources, and drag the relevant ones into the right box. Similar filters work for Client and Project, which will be applied to the displayed calendars.
In the Documents tab, you can select which documents will be displayed in the calendars.
For each of these documents, specific further filters can then be applied, identical to those available in the individual areas.
In the General filters, there are options to:
- show overlapping appointments
- show unconfirmed appointments
- Highlight the days where not all time slots of the resource have been allocated. Days with availability will be colored turquoise.
To delete any of the previously selected items in the filter, select and press DELETE on the keyboard. To delete all filters, use the Clear filters button.
Period: allows you to select the period to be displayed on the calendar.
Each type of document in the calendar can be colored differently to facilitate distinction. The configuration must be done in the individual document type tables. Only the appointments of the resources allocated to the project have no color choice, which will correspond to the color of the resource's calendar (referring to the color of the bar with the resource's name). These appointments can be identified by the acronym “PR” (Project resource) indicated after the time.
In the presence of holiday and leave requests, the background will change to orange. If linked, the activity generated by the holiday request will be shown based on the “vacation” option in the “Documents” filters. If there are multiple appointments on the same day and not all can be displayed, an arrow will appear in the lower right corner that will open the detailed view of the day.
Appointments display 3 main pieces of information:
- start and end time – document type description
- client
- project WBS
Hovering over the appointment with the mouse will show a tooltip with more details.
For each type of document, right-clicking allows you to generate the next document expected in the project flow. For example, from an appointment of the resource in the project, it is possible to generate a planned intervention or a request for intervention. The document types used are those configured in the general parameters of the Projects area. The calendar will immediately update, changing color based on the new document type.
A double-click will open the relevant document.
The conversion procedure is also possible on a multiple selection of documents.
Also, with a right-click, it is possible to delete the document just created, which will restore it to the previous state (in our example, the project's resource appointment will be displayed again).
The procedures that can be used are as follows:
- project resource appointment > intervention request
- intervention request > planned intervention
- intervention request > intervention
- project resource appointment > planned intervention
- planned intervention > intervention
The calendar also includes drag&drop functionality, so by dragging an appointment from one day to another or from one resource calendar to another, the data in the relevant documents will be automatically updated.
This operation is NOT allowed for interventions with a status different from entered, and in invoiced activities.
Ribbon bar
In the ribbon bar, there are various buttons:
- Zoom in / out: allows you to zoom for the relevant period, up to the maximum hourly detail.
- View: monthly, weekly, daily, or timeline view. The latter is optimal for visualizing any "gaps" in days or uncovered time slots, e.g., during vacation periods.
- Group by: it is possible to change the calendar view, switching from resource, by project, client, or by date.