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Intervention Type

The table is accessible from Tables > Project Management > Intervention Types. The table contains the possible types of intervention. It consists of a filter section where you can search by code and description, and a grid where all the types of intervention will be listed (just click on the search button in the ribbon bar to display them).

Also within this form, it is possible to add new types to the grid by clicking on the new button New: this will add a new row to the grid where the following information can be defined:

Type: it is the code of the intervention type;

Description: it is the description of the type;

Invoice Type: indicates the type of invoice associated;

Status: you can choose the status of the intervention between In Progress, Finished, Verified, In Dispute, Pending;

Description: contains the description of the status;

Activity Type: contains the type of associated activity;

User: you can indicate a default user, along with their Name and Surname;

Account: you can indicate a default customer if the intervention is created from scratch;

Detail Account: contains the detail account of the customer;

Price including VAT: indicates if the intervention manages prices including VAT;

External: indicates if the intervention is external;

Materials: indicates if the type manages materials;

In Activities: indicates if the intervention will go among the activities;

Travel Expenses: indicates if travel costs are managed;

Create Activities Automatically: if flagged, changing the status of the Intervention (from Inserted to Verified) will automatically generate the activity;

Project is mandatory: if flagged, it requires always indicating the project for this type of intervention;

Activity Category is mandatory: if flagged, it requires always indicating the activity category for this type of intervention;

Main Asset is mandatory: if flagged, it requires always indicating the plant registry for this type of intervention;

Resource is mandatory: if flagged, it requires always indicating the resource for this type of intervention;

% Progress is mandatory: if flagged, it requires always indicating the % progress for this type of intervention;

Sales inv.: if flagged, it requires always indicating the sales revenue for this type of intervention, provided that the service/material has the Invoiceable flag active;

VAT compulsory: if flagged, it requires always indicating the VAT for this type of intervention.

Color: color to identify interventions in the project area calendars, such as the Planner and WBS Resource Allocation.