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Ticket Type

The table allows for the definition of the types of tickets that can be used when entering a new ticket, defining in advance some characteristics of the tickets that will be registered with that type. It consists of a filter section where you can search by code or description of the type and a grid where all the entered types will be listed.

Also within this form, it is possible to add new types to the grid by clicking the New button: this will add a new row to the grid where the following parameters will be defined:

Code: is the code of the ticket type;

Description: is the description of the ticket type;

Numeration: is the numbering of the ticket type and refers to the Type numeration table;

Offer type: contains the Offer Type to be created with the Ticket Offer Creation procedure;

Class and Item Code:

Ticket template: contains the Template to be proposed for this Ticket Type;

Flags to make fields mandatory

Client: if enabled, indicates the requirement to fill in the Customer field in the ticket;


Reference Subject: if enabled, indicates the requirement to fill in the reference subject field in the ticket;

Reference Subject Email: if enabled, indicates the requirement to fill in the reference subject email field in the ticket;

Project: if enabled, indicates the requirement to fill in the Project field in the ticket;

Service Level Agreement: if enabled, indicates the requirement to fill in the Service Level field in the ticket;

Severity: if enabled, indicates the requirement to fill in the Severity field in the ticket;

First assigned user: proposed default user.

For each type, it is possible to specify one or more Ticket state in the grid below. These statuses can vary for each Ticket type and will be proposed as possible statuses when creating a New ticket with this type.

For each ticket status, the following parameters can be defined:

Code: is the code of the ticket status;

Description: is the description of the ticket status;

End date: is the end date of the ticket status;

Note: in this field, it is possible to add additional notes to the ticket.

For each type, it is possible to specify one or more Users in the grid below. This configuration is mandatory if you want to enable all the manageable tabs in the ticket. It can be configured for individual users or by role.

Role: indicates the role for which the configured settings are valid.

User: indicates the user for whom the configured settings are valid, as an alternative to the role.

Ticket details: enable to make the Ticket Detail section/tab visible in the ticket.

Users: enable to make the Users section/tab visible in the ticket.

Estimation/Effort: enable to make the Estimate/Effort section/tab visible in the ticket.

Commercial Estimation: enable to make the Commercial Estimate section/tab visible in the ticket.

Closing info: enable to make the Closure Information section/tab visible in the ticket.

Linked tickets: enable to make the Linked Tickets section/tab visible in the ticket.

Note: enable to make the Note section/tab visible in the ticket.

Product: enable to make the Product section/tab visible in the ticket.

Extra data: enable to make the Extra Data section/tab visible in the ticket.

Document Management: enable to make the Document Management section/tab visible in the ticket.

Offers: enable to make the Offers section/tab visible in the ticket.