Ticket Template
In this table, it is possible to enter various templates to be proposed when a New ticket is created. The templates must be included in the Ticket Type to be proposed. The data for this form are as follows:
Code/Description: contains a code and a description for this template;
Offer description: contains a description to be proposed in the corresponding field of the Ticket, Estimate tab;
Header description: contains a description to be proposed in the corresponding field of the Ticket, Estimate tab;
Footer description: contains a description to be proposed in the corresponding field of the Ticket, Estimate tab;
Detailed offer: if present, the Ticket will be created with this flag, otherwise not, in the Estimate tab;
Class/Code/Description: contains the item (service) to be proposed and invoiced when a ticket is created with this type; the item is proposed in the Estimation/Effort and Commercial Estimation tabs;
Subsequently, it is possible to decide the mandatory or optional nature of various fields with different flags. The obligation will be present when creating a new Ticket with this template.