Initial and Periodic Ratings
Management can be found at the path Quality > Vendor Ratings > Initial and Periodic Ratings.
Initial and Periodic Ratings is one of the methods for evaluating suppliers that are made available for their assessment. This "subjective" method is manual and is commonly used for initial ratings and subsequent ratings.
The management allows you to enter new Initial and Periodic Ratings or to search for existing ones to view, modify, or delete them.
Command Buttons
Search Initial and Periodic Ratings
The form consists of a filter area and a results area. Once all desired filters are set, simply click the Search button to view the results within the results grid.
Enter Initial and Periodic Ratings
To enter new Initial and Periodic Ratings, you must click on the first empty row in the grid or press the New button.
For the new record, at least the mandatory fields required by the program must be filled in: Rating Date, Supplier, and Rating Type.
Associate Checklist
Button enabled only if a single Initial and Periodic Rating is selected and the Supplier has not already been evaluated.
The Checklist Help is displayed from which it is possible to select only one.
If there is already a Checklist associated with the row, you will be asked whether to replace the existing one (and its related Questions) with the newly selected Checklist.
Data Management
Initial and Periodic Ratings
This is the list where the main information for the Initial and Periodic Rating is entered.
The list consists of the following information:
Rating Date: (mandatory field) is the date the rating is carried out.
When entering a new rating, the current date is automatically proposed.Supplier: (mandatory field) is the corporate name of the Supplier being evaluated.
Rating Type: (mandatory field) is the code of the Rating Type.
When entering a new rating, the Rating Type indicated in the Vendor qualification parameters is proposed.Checklist: is the code of the Checklist.
When entering a Supplier, the Checklist present in its Accounting Data > Quality Data and the related Questions are automatically proposed.
Modifying a Checklist results in the replacement of the existing Descriptions/Questions upon request.Auditor: is the code of the Auditor who carries out the rating.
Rating Reason: free notes on the subject, is a description of the reason for the rating.
Rating: is the Rating given to the Supplier by the Auditor.
The cell is colored with the background and text colors specified in the Vendor Ratings table.
If the Rating assigned is associated with a Vendor Ratig with Automatic Suspension the evaluated Supplier will be Suspended from the Rating Date. Restoration of the suspension must be done manually by the designated Company Function.
Once a Rating is associated, the information of: Rating Date, Supplier, and Rating Type will no longer be modifiable.Description of Rating Type: is the description of the Rating Type.
Description of Checklist: is the description of the Checklist.
Description of Auditor: is the description of the Auditor.
Notes: free annotations.
This is the list of questions/activities to use/perform for ratings of suppliers.
The list consists of the following information:
Sequence: is the sequence of implementation of the questions/activities.
Description/Question: free notes on the subject.
Answer: free notes on the subject.
Rating Expected: is the minimum required Rating Level for the rating.
Rating Detected: is the evaluated Rating Level.
The character turns Red if the Rating Detected is lower than the Rating Expected.
Notes: free annotations.
Extra Data
It is possible to enter general Extra Data for the Initial and Periodic Rating.
For anything not detailed in this document on the common functioning of the forms, please refer to the following link Custom features, buttons, and fields.