Multiple Items Insert
The management is located on the path Quality > Item Controls > Data Sheets > Procedures > Multiple Items Insert
This procedure allows for the mass assignment of Items to Data Sheets. In order to make use of the Insert function, it is necessary to:
- from the Item tab, choose the Items to be assigned;
- from the Data Sheets tab, select the Data Sheets;
- click the Insert button.
In this tab, it is possible to search for and select the items that you wish to insert en masse into the Data Sheets, which can be selected in the corresponding tab.
The session consists of a filtering area and a results area. Once all the desired filters are set, simply click the Search Items button to display the results within the results grid.
Specific buttons:
Search Items
Based on the set filter, the results are displayed within the results grid.
Choose Data Sheets
Pressing the button automatically positions you in the Data Sheets tab.
Data Sheets
In this tab, it is possible to search for and select the Data Sheets to which you want to insert the Items in bulk, selectable in the corresponding tab.
The session consists of a filtering area and a results area. Once all the desired filters are set, simply click the Search Data Sheets button to display the results within the results grid.
Specific buttons:
Search Data Sheets
Based on the set filter, the results are displayed within the results grid.
Choose Items
Pressing the button automatically positions you in the Items tab.
The selected Items will be associated with the selected Data Sheets in their respective tabs with the information indicated in the Parameters tab.
In this tab, it is possible to indicate some information that will be proposed when inserting the Items into the Data Sheets.
In the tab, it is possible to enter:
Disclaimer type in Items: it is the Disclaimer type used to choose the group of Disclaimers to be printed.
Notes: free annotations.
For everything that is not detailed in this document regarding the common functionality of the forms, please refer to the following link Custom Features, Buttons, and Fields.