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Data Sheet

The management is found along the path Quality > Item Controls > Data Sheets > New Data Sheet or it can be executed from Search Data Sheets.


Data sheets catalog all the information that describes the characteristics of associated products as suitable for a contract, a functional specification, or a specific use.
Data sheets can be customized for the Client.
Revisions and traceability between desired data sheets are managed.

Standard reports are available for:

Data Sheet: sheet with the list of Properties and Norms and Laws associated (for internal use).
Product Details: sheet containing data of the Product and Properties (for commercial use).

Command Buttons


Pressing this button saves all modified information of the displayed Data Sheet.

Duplicate Sheet

It is possible to duplicate the displayed Data Sheet into a new Data Sheet. Just press the Duplicate button.
A request will be displayed for:

Sheet type: is the Sheet type of the new Data Sheet (mandatory data), the Sheet type of the origin Data Sheet is proposed.
Of the customer: is the Customer of the new Data Sheet, the Customer account of the origin Data Sheet is proposed.
Extra data: list of the extra data provided by the indicated Sheet type.
New code: is the Code of the new Data Sheet (mandatory data), it is proposed based on the provisions of the Coding Method associated with the Data Sheet type.
Duplicate with traceability: indicates whether to maintain the relationship/traceability in the origin Data Sheet (tab Related Sheets of the origin Data Sheet) and in the destination Data Sheet (in the Data Sheet Origin expander present in the header data).

Sheet type and Of the customer are proposed from the origin document; the Code is proposed if a Coding method is associated with the Sheet type.
Then press the OK button or the Cancel button if you wish to continue or not with the duplication activity.
The newly created Data Sheet will have a Revision equal to Zero.
At the end of the processing, the new Data Sheet will be displayed.

Create new revision

To create a new Revision of the displayed Data Sheet, you must press the Create new revision button.
A new Data Sheet is created, with all the information of the origin Data Sheet but with an incremented Revision index and the Start validity date equal to today's date.
The origin Data Sheet ends its validity, and the End validity date is set to today's date.
At the end of the processing, the new Revision of the Data Sheet will be displayed.

Create Control Plan

From the Data Sheet, you can create a Control Plan; to do this, you need to press the Create Control Plan button.
A new Control Plan is created, only copying the Properties of the origin with the Tests to detect indicator, and all other information of the Technical Sheet but with a Revision index equal to zero and with Start validity date equal to today's date. A request will be displayed for:

Control plan type: is the Control plan type of the new Control Plan (mandatory data).
Number: is the progressive Number of the new Control Plan (mandatory data), proposed based on the provisions of the Numeration associated with the Control Plan type and today's date.
Create maintaining traceability: indicates if you want to maintain the relationship/traceability of the origin Data Sheet in the destination Control Plan (in the Control Plan Origin expander present in the header data).

Then press the OK button or the Cancel button if you wish to continue or not with the creation activity.
At the end of the processing, the new Control Plan will be displayed.

Duplicate Test

Next to the Properties tab, the button is enabled only if a single row of Properties has been selected from the Properties list.
All information from the origin Property is duplicated in a new Property appended in Sequence to the already existing Properties.

Data Management

Header Data

The manageable information is:

Sheet type: is the Data Sheet type (mandatory data).
When manually entering a new Data Sheet, the indicated Data Sheet type is proposed in the Data Sheets expander of the General tab present in the Item Control Parameters.

Code: is the Code of the Data Sheet (mandatory data).
It is proposed based on the provisions of the Encoding Method associated with the Data Sheet type.

Revision: is the Revision of the Data Sheet (mandatory data).
This information is modifiable if creating a new Data Sheet; otherwise, it is read-only; it can be varied in a controlled manner by the system using the Create new revision button that increments the previous Revision value by one.

Description: is the description of the Data Sheet.
Trade name: is the commercial description of the Data Sheet.
Of the customer: is the company name of the Customer. The Properties are customized for the Customer/Associated items.
Demand date/Required by: only references on which date and who is the person that requested the creation of the Data Sheet.

Validity: Start/End: are the start and end validity dates of the Data Sheet.
The dates are managed automatically when creating a new Revision of the Data Sheet.

Responsible: is the Employee responsible for the Data Sheet.
When manually entering a new Data Sheet, the Responsible indicated in the Data Sheets expander of the General tab present in the Item Control Parameters is proposed.

Data sheet origin: expander where it is possible to enter:

Type/Sheet Origin/Rev.: contains the references of the Data Sheet Origin (Sheet type, Code, and Revision).
Reason for revision: a brief description of the reason that led to the revision.
This information can be varied if the Data Sheet is still valid.

Notes: free notes.

Sheet Attributes

It is possible to enter Extra Data for each Data Sheet.
They are inherited from the Data Sheet Attributes associated with the Data Sheet type.


Contains the Properties of the Items or Item Attributes of the Data Sheet.
The list consists of the following information:

Sequence: is the display/importance sequence of the Property.
Test type: is the code of the Property.
Test type description: is the description of the Property. This information is read-only.
Description: is the fillable description of the Property.
Standard control plan reference: is a descriptive field containing references to globally recognized test codifications.
Measurement tool: is the Category of the measurement tool to be used to detect the Values expressed in the Property.
Test to detected: indicates if the Property is a Test to detect.
When creating a Control Plan from the Data Sheet, the Property will be copied into the Tests to detect.
Unit of measure: is the Unit of measure with which the Typical value and the Minimum and maximum limits are expressed if expressed in value and not percentage.
Value type: is the Value type with which to express the Typical value; the possible Value types are: Numeric, Yes/No, or Text.
Limit type: enabled if the Value type is Numeric, is the Limit type that will control the enabling of Limits and Tolerance values.
Typical value: is the expected theoretical value of the Property.
Minimum limit: minimum allowed limit compared to the Typical value.
L.min.(toll-): is the negative tolerance limit on the minimum limit.
L.min.(toll+): is the positive tolerance limit on the minimum limit.
Maximum limit: maximum allowed limit compared to the Typical value.
L.max.(toll-): is the negative tolerance limit on the maximum limit.
L.max.(toll+): is the positive tolerance limit on the maximum limit.
%: indicates if the Minimum limit and the Maximum limit are expressed in percentage.
Start validity date: is the start validity date of the Property.
End validity date: is the end validity date of the Property.
Printable: indicates if the information is printable or not in the reports: Data Sheet and Product Details.
Notes: free notes.

The positive and negative tolerance limits on minimum and maximum limits are information usually given by the error of the Measurement tool used to detect the values. In this version, they can only be entered manually by the operator.

Norms and Laws

Contains references to Regulations and/or legislations applicable to the Properties of the Data Sheet.
The list consists of the following information:

Type: is the Norm and law type associated with the indicated Norm and Law. This information is read-only.
Code: is the Norm and Law.
Description: is the description of the indicated Norm and Law. This information is read-only.
Notes: free notes.


Contains the Clients interested in the Items with similar Properties listed in the two respective lists.
The list consists of the following information:

Client: is the company name of the Client. The Properties are customized for Clients/Associated items.
Notes: free notes.

Associated Items

Contains the Items with similar characteristics listed in the properties list.
The list consists of the following information:

Class: is the class of the Item.
Item code: is the code of the Item.
Item description: is the description of the Item.
Variant: is the code of the Item variant.
Variant description: is the description of the Item variant. This information is read-only.
Declaration type: is the Type of declaration (of non-responsibility) that will be proposed in the Product Details report.
Notes: free notes.

Item Attributes

Alternatively to the list of Associated Items, it is possible to enter characteristics (in Extra Data) for which the Properties of the Data Sheet are valid.

In this list, you can view the Data Sheets duplicated with traceability from the displayed Sheet.
By double-clicking the desired row, you can manage the selected Data Sheet.


In this list, you can view the history of Revisions prior to the displayed Data Sheets.
By double-clicking the desired row, you can manage the selected Data Sheet.

Linked Documents

In this list, you can enter and consult any attachments; a preview is available.

For everything not detailed in this document regarding the common functionality of forms, refer to the following link Custom features, buttons, and fields.