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Search Control Plan Search

The filter is located on the path Quality > Item Controls > Control Plans.

In the Control Plans, sequences of Planned Tests are defined to be carried out during material acceptance, throughout the production flow, or during final testing to verify the suitability of received materials or produced items.
Control Plans can be defined for individual items or for groups, or associated with Stages of Processing Cycles, and differentiated by Customer and Supplier.
Management of Revisions for the Control Plan is provided.

The data filter allows for the entry of new Control Plans or for searching existing ones to view, modify, or delete them.

Search Control Plan

The form is composed of a filter area and a results area. Once all desired filters are set, simply click the Search button to view the results in the results grid.

Insert Control Plans

To enter new Control Plans, it is necessary to press the New button.

Modify or View Control Plans

To open the management of the results grid, you must double-click on the row of interest or, by selecting one or more rows, press the Modify or View buttons.

Specific buttons:

Duplicate Control Plan

To duplicate an existing Control Plan into a new Control Plan, you need to click on the Control Plan in the grid that you want to duplicate and press the Duplicate Control Plan button. Only one Control Plan can be duplicated at a time. A request will be displayed:

Control plan type: this is the Control plan type of the new Control Plan (mandatory data), the Control plan type of the origin Control Plan is proposed.
Number: this is the progressive Number of the new Control Plan (mandatory data), proposed based on what is provided by the Numeration associated with the Control plan type and today's date.
Duplicate with traceability: this indicates whether to maintain the relationship/traceability of the destination Control Plan in the origin Control Plan, specifically in the Related Control Plans tab.

Then press the OK button or the Cancel button if you do not wish to proceed with the duplication.
At the end of the process, the new Control Plan is displayed.

Create New Revision

To create a new Revision for an existing Control Plan, it is necessary to click on the Control Plan in the grid from which you wish to create a new Revision and press the Create New Edition button. A new Revision can be created for only one Control Plan at a time.
A new Control Plan is created, containing all the information from the origin Control Plan but with an incremented Revision index and the Start Validity Date equal to today’s date.
The origin Control Plan will end its validity by automatically setting the End Validity Date to today’s date.
At the end of the process, the new Revision of the Control Plan is displayed.

Create New Data Sheet

From the Control Plan, it is possible to create a Data Sheet; to do this, you need to click on the Control Plan in the grid from which you wish to duplicate and press the Create New Data Sheet button. A new Data Sheet can be created for only one Control Plan at a time.
A new Data Sheet is created with all the information from the origin Control Plan, but with a Revision index equal to zero and a Start Validity Date equal to today’s date. A request will be displayed:

Sheet type: this is the Sheet type of the new Data Sheet (mandatory data).
Of the customer: this is the Customer of the new Data Sheet, the Customer account of the origin Control Plan is proposed (only if it is of Customer account type).
New code: this is the Code for the new Data Sheet (mandatory data), proposed based on what is provided by the Encoding Method associated with the Data Sheet type.
Rev.: this is the Revision index of the new Data Sheet (mandatory data), proposed as zero.
Create maintaining traceability: indicates whether to maintain the relationship/traceability in the destination Data Sheet to the origin Control Plan, specifically in the Related Sheets tab.

Then press the OK button or the Cancel button if you do not wish to proceed with the creation.
At the end of the process, the new Data Sheet is displayed.

Control Plan Requests

From this button, you can manage Control Plan Requests.

For everything not detailed in this document about the common functioning of forms, please refer to the following link Custom features, buttons, and fields.