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Internal Origin Document

The management can be found on the path Quality > Internal Origin Documents > New Internal Origin Document or can be executed from Search for Internal Origin Documents.


The management of internal origin documents allows for: cataloging, management of editions/revisions, and their distribution (both in paper and electronic format) to corporate functions interested in viewing such documents.

Here are some examples of external origin documents that can be cataloged:

Quality Manual
Management Policy
Organization Chart
Process Scheme
Operational Instructions
Service Sheet

The information about where the originals are stored and the possibility to attach electronic copies allows for immediate traceability and consultation with a simple mouse click.

Standard reporting is available for:

Guard Page: a sheet that, for Document, lists the Revisions made and the Distribution List.
Internal Document: preview of the attached document in the Attachment tab created in the Document Creation tab.
Documents attached to the document: preview of documents attached to Document Management.

Command Buttons


By pressing this button, all modified information of the Internal Origin Document displayed is saved.


This button is enabled only for components of the business functions of verification/approval and editing/issuing. You can duplicate the displayed Document into a new Document. Simply press the Duplicate button.
A request for information will be displayed:

Category: this is the Code for the internal origin document category of the new Document (mandatory data).
Code: this is the Code for the new Document (mandatory data).
Title: this is the Title of the new Document (mandatory data).

Category and Title are proposed from the origin document; the Code is proposed if an Automatic Encoding is associated with the Category.
Then press the OK button or the Cancel button if you wish to proceed with the duplication activity or not.
The new Internal Origin Document created will have Edition and Revision equal to Zero and the status of In Creation.
At the end of the process, the new Internal Origin Document is displayed.

Create New Revision

The button is enabled only for components of the business functions of verification/approval and editing/issuing if the state of the origin document is Issued. A request for information will be displayed:

Reason for revision: a brief description of the reason that led to the revision (mandatory data).
Edit on paragraphs: a descriptive memo referencing the number of changed paragraphs.
Edit on pages: a descriptive memo referencing the number of changed pages.

Then press the OK button or the Cancel button if you wish to proceed with the creation activity or not.
A new Internal Origin Document is created, with all the information from the original Document but with the Revision index incremented and the status of Under Review. The original Document remains in force with the status of Issued.
At the end of the process, the new Internal Origin Document is displayed.

Create New Edition

The button is enabled only for components of the business functions of verification/approval and drafting/issuance if the state of the origin document is Issued. A request for information will be displayed:

Reason for revision: a brief description of the reason that led to the revision (mandatory data).
Edit on paragraphs: a descriptive memo referencing the number of changed paragraphs.
Edit on pages: a descriptive memo referencing the number of changed pages.

Then press the OK button or the Cancel button if you wish to proceed with the creation activity or not.
A new Internal Origin Document is created, with all the information from the original Document but with the Edition index incremented and the status of Under Review. The original Document remains in force with the status of Issued.
At the end of the process, the new Internal Origin Document is displayed.


The button is enabled only for components of the business functions of verification/approval if the state of the origin document is In Creation or Under Review.
After the confirmation request and at the end of the process, the Internal Origin Document will change to a status of Approved.


The button is enabled only for components of the business functions of editing/issuing if the state of the origin document is Approved.
After the confirmation request and at the end of the process, the Internal Origin Document will change to a status of Issued and a print preview of the Guard Page will be automatically displayed.


This button starts the Distribution procedure for the Document.
A filter request will be displayed to select who, among the recipients listed in the Distribution List, will receive a copy of the Document:


Paper: distribution to those requesting a paper copy;
Electronic: distribution to those requesting an email;


Already delivered: distribution to those who have already received the document;
Still to be delivered: distribution to those who have not yet received the document;


Internal: distribution to internal personnel only (Business functions and/or Employees);
Customers/Suppliers: distribution to Customers/Suppliers.

Then press the OK button or the Cancel button if you wish to proceed with the distribution activity or not.

Cancel Document

The button is enabled only for components of the business functions of editing/issuing if the state of the origin document is Issued.
After the confirmation request and at the end of the process, the Internal Origin Document will change to a status of Canceled.

Restore Cancellation

The button is enabled only for components of the business functions of editing/issuing if the state of the origin document is Canceled.
After the confirmation request and at the end of the process, the Internal Origin Document will change to a status of Issued.

Data Management

Header Data

The manageable information includes:

Document category: this is the Internal Origin Document Category of the Document (mandatory data).
By entering the category, the Distribution List and the data for Access allowed to the functions are inherited in the Document.

Code: this is the Code of the Document (mandatory data).

Edition/Revision: these are the Edition and the Revision of the Document. This information is read-only.
The information can be modified if the document is in the state of In Creation; otherwise, it is read-only; it can be variably changed by the system using the Create New Revision and Create New Edition buttons that increment the previous value of Revision and Edition by one unit.

Title: this is the Title of the Document (mandatory data).

Document status: this is the Status of the Document and reports the current status of the Document. This information is read-only.
The document statuses are default values set by the system identifying the various handling states of the Internal Origin Document.
The default values are:

  • In Creation: set upon the creation of a new document;
  • Approved: set at the time of verification/approval of a document in the state of In Creation or Under Review;
  • Issued: set at the time of drafting/issuance of a document in the state of Approved or during the restore cancellation of a document in the state of Canceled;
  • Under Review: set at the time of creating a new edition/revision of a document in the state of Issued;
  • Obsolete: set, for a document in the state of Issued, originating from a request for creating a new edition/revision, at its issuance;
  • Canceled: set at the time of cancellation of a document in the state of Issued.

From date: this is the date the Document assumed its current Status. This information is read-only.
From user: this is the A.R.M. User who modified the Status of the Document. This information is read-only.

Revision information: expander where you can view/insert:

Creation date/Created by: these are the Creation Date and the A.R.M. User who created the document. This information is read-only.
Approval date/Approved by: these are the Approval Date and the A.R.M. User who Approved the document. This information is read-only.
Issuance date/Issued by: these are the Issuance Date and the A.R.M. User who Issued the document. This information is read-only.

Reason for revision: a brief description of the reason that led to the revision.
This information can be modified if the Status is In Creation or Under Review.

Edit on paragraphs: a descriptive memo referencing the number of changed paragraphs compared to the previous revision/edition.
This information can be modified if the Status is In Creation or Under Review.

Edit on pages: a descriptive memo referencing the number of changed pages compared to the previous revision/edition.
This information can be modified if the Status is In Creation or Under Review.

Cancellation date/Canceled by: these are the Cancellation Date and the A.R.M. User who Canceled the document. This information is read-only.

Location information: expander where you can view/insert:

Archive: this is the Physical Warehouse where the Document is usually archived (e.g., Technical Office, Management, ...).
The data is inherited from the External Origin Document Category and is modifiable.

Location: this is the Physical Location where the Document is usually archived (e.g., Cabinet, Shelf, Drawer, ...).
The data is inherited from the External Origin Document Category and is modifiable.

Descriptive location: this is the Physical Location in case of no coding for Archive and/or Location.
The data is inherited from the External Origin Document Category and is modifiable.

Verification/Approval Function: this is the Business Function responsible for verifying/approving the document.

The data is inherited from the External Origin Document Category and is modifiable.

Editing/Issuing Function: this is the Business Function responsible for editing/issuing the document.

The data is inherited from the External Origin Document Category and is modifiable.

Notes: free annotations.


It is possible to attach the Document being cataloged by using drag & drop; a preview is displayed.
This attachment is not included in the Fluentis Document Management.
In the Attachment Name and Attachment Type information, the system recognizes the name of the physical file and its extension.
If not recognized, these can be manually entered.

Document Creation

This is a simple word editor used to create the Document directly in this management interface.
You can set: font type, size, styles, text and background colors, and other simple text formatting options.

Distribution List

In this list, you can associate: Business Functions, Employees, Customers/Suppliers, and Contacts who regularly receive a copy of the Document and indicate the usual methods of receiving the document.
Upon creation of the Document, the Distribution List is inherited from the Internal Origin Document Category and the information can be modified.
The list includes the following information:


Code: this is the code of the A.R.M. Role recipient.
Description: this is the description of the A.R.M. Role recipient.


Code: this is the code of the A.R.M. User recipient.
Description: this is the description of the A.R.M. User recipient.

Business Function

Code: this is the code of the Business Function recipient.
Description: this is the description of the Business Function recipient.


Code: this is the code of the employee recipient.
Last Name: this is the last name of the employee recipient.
First Name: this is the first name of the employee recipient.


Description: this is the company name of the Customer/Supplier recipient.


Code: this is the code of the Contact recipient.
Description: this is the description of the Contact recipient.

Other Recipient

Description: this is a free description of an uncoded recipient.

Delivery Data

Paper: indicates that at the time of distribution the subject wishes to receive a Paper copy of the document or attached via Email.
Delivery Method: indicates the usual delivery method for the Document.
Email: indicates a destination email if not coded in the recipient's register.
Number of copies: indicates the number of paper copies the recipient wishes to receive.
Notes: free annotations.

Access allowed to the Functions

In this list, you can enter the Business Functions that are granted access rights to the Document.
If no rows are entered in this table, access is allowed to everybody.
Upon creation of the Document, the list of Business Functions is inherited from the Internal Origin Document Category and the information can be modified.
The list includes the following information:

Function: this is the code of the Business Function.
Function Description: this is the description of the Business Function.
Notes: free annotations.

Extra Data

It is possible to insert Extra Data for each Internal Origin Document.

Previous Editions/Revisions

In this list, you can view the history of the Previous Editions/Revisions of the Document in management.
By double-clicking on the desired line, you can view the management of the Revision of the selected Document.
The list contains the following information:

Category: this is the Internal Origin Document Category.
Code: this is the Code of the Document.
Edition: this is the Edition of the Document.
Revision: this is the Revision of the Document.
Title: this is the Title of the Document.
Status: this is the Status of the Document.
From date: this is the date on which the Document assumed its current Status.
Paragraphs Reference: this is the reference to the number of paragraphs changed compared to the previous revision/edition.
Pages Reference: this is the reference to the number of pages changed compared to the previous revision/edition.
Verification/Approval Function: this is the Business Function responsible for verification/approval.
Editing/Issuing Function: this is the Business Function responsible for drafting/issuing.

Document State Workflow


For anything not detailed in this document regarding the common functionality of forms, please refer to the following link Custom Features, Buttons, and Fields.