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External Origin Document

The management can be found in the path Quality > External Origin Documents > New External Origin Document or it can be executed from the External Origin Document Search.


The management of external origin documents allows for: cataloging, management of editions/revisions, and their distribution (both in paper and electronic format) to the business functions that are interested in viewing such documents.

Here are some examples of external origin documents that can be cataloged:

User and maintenance manuals for machinery and equipment
Specifications magazine

The information on where the originals are deposited and the possibility of attaching electronic copies allows for immediate traceability and consultation with a simple click of the mouse.

Standard reports available:

Internal Document: preview of the attached document in the Attachment tab.
Documents attached to the document management: preview of the documents attached to the Document Management.

Command Buttons


Pressing this button saves all the modified information of the External Origin Document displayed.


It is possible to duplicate the displayed Document into a new Document. Just press the Duplicate button.
A request will be displayed for:

Category: this is the External Origin Document category for the new Document (mandatory field).
Code: this is the code of the new Document (mandatory field).
Edition/Revision: these are the edition and revision of the new Document.
Title: this is the Title of the Document (mandatory field).

Press the OK button or the Cancel button if you want to continue with the duplication activity or not.
At the end of the processing, the new External Origin Document will be displayed.


This button starts the Distribution procedure of the Document.
A filter request will be displayed for which of the recipients in the Distribution List will receive a copy of the Document:


Paper: distribution to those who request a paper copy;
Electronic: distribution to those who request email;


Already delivered: distribution to those who have already received the document;
Still to be delivered: distribution to those who have not yet received the document;


Internal: distribution to internal personnel only (Business functions and/or Employees);
Customers/Suppliers: distribution to Customers/Suppliers.

Press the OK button or the Cancel button if you want to continue with the distribution activity or not.

Data Management

Header Data

The manageable information includes:

Category: this is the External Origin Document category of the Document (mandatory field).
When entering the category, the Distribution List and the data for Access allowed to the functions are inherited in the Document.

Code: this is the code of the Document (mandatory field).

Edition/Revision: these are the edition and revision of the Document; the information is free as it must include any details described in documents not generated by the company.

Title: this is the Title of the Document (mandatory field).

Origin: free notes on the subject.
Arrival date: this is the arrival date of the Document, entering a new Document proposes today’s date.
Valid from/to: contains any start and end validity dates of the Document.
Verify validity: indicates that the Document has been verified.
Verification date: indicates the date when the Document was verified.

Archive: this is the physical Warehouse where the Document is usually archived (example: Technical office, Management, ...).
This data is inherited from the External Origin Document category and is modifiable.

Location: this is the physical Location where the Document is usually archived (example: Cabinet, Shelf, Drawer, ...).
This data is inherited from the External Origin Document category and is modifiable.

Descriptive location: this is the physical Location in case of no coding for Archive and/or Location.
This data is inherited from the External Origin Document category and is modifiable.

Responsible function: this is the Business function responsible for the Document. This data is inherited from the External Origin Document category and is modifiable.

Categories of interest: free notes on the subject.
Notes: free notes.

Distribution List

In this list, you can associate: Business functions, Employees, Customers/Suppliers, and Contacts that usually receive a copy of the Document and indicate the usual methods of receiving the document.
When creating the Document, the Distribution List is inherited from the External Origin Document category and the information is modifiable.
The list consists of the following information:

Business function

Code: this is the code of the recipient Business function.
Description: this is the description of the recipient Business function.


Code: this is the code of the recipient employee.
Surname: this is the surname of the recipient employee.
Name: this is the name of the recipient employee.


Description: this is the company name of the recipient Customer/Supplier.


Code: this is the code of the recipient Contact.
Description: this is the description of the recipient Contact.

Other recipient

Description: this is the free description of an uncoded recipient.

Data for delivery

Paper: indicates that at the time of distribution, the subject wishes to receive a Paper copy of the document or as an attachment via Email.
Delivery method: indicates the usual delivery method of the Document.
Email: indicates a destination email if not coded in the recipient's register.
Number of copies: indicates the number of paper copies the recipient wishes to receive.
Notes: free notes.


In this list, you can enter and consult any attachments, view the preview, and perform operations on the image.
These attachments are separate from the Fluentis Document Management, which is always present and usable.

Access Allowed to the Functions

In this list, you can enter the Business functions to grant access rights to the Document.
If no rows are entered in this table, then access is granted to everyone.
When creating the Document, the list of Business functions is inherited from the External Origin Document category and the information is modifiable.
The list consists of the following information:

Function: this is the code of the Business function.
Function description: this is the description of the Business function.
Notes: free notes.

Extra Data

It is possible to enter Extra Data for each External Origin Document.

For everything not detailed in this document regarding the common operation of forms, please refer to the following link Custom features, buttons, and fields.