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Adjustment Records

We are within the Mid-Year Closures module and selecting the procedure 'Adjustment Records'. The form allows for the separate management of adjustment operations that can be executed simultaneously with the creation of a new mid-year closing.

To manage the procedure, it is sufficient to set the reference closure, the type of calendar to be used (it is recommended to leave the solar calendar and the grouping by registration), and the reason to be used (which must have the CDC/CDP flag to manage the adjustments of cost/profit centers).

With this procedure, the program will verify the cost/revenue lines retrieved from accounting according to the set registration/competence date ranges, to create the accruals for the days outside the established competence date ranges for the closure. The accrual detail accounts to be used will be those entered in the chart of accounts corresponding to the individual cost/revenue detail account or the generic detail account entered in the accounting parameters of the year of the mid-year closing itself. The form includes a restore/delete button for movements already registered from this form.

The grids at the bottom of the form present the list of cost/revenue lines present in the mid-year closing that will be subject to adjustment.