Purchases and Sales Area Valorization
We are within the module for Mid-Year Closures and selecting the procedure ‘Purchases and Sales Area Valorization’: with this procedure, it is possible to assign the documents of purchases/sales that have not yet been passed to the general ledger to the mid-year closing. This refers to the invoices to be received/issued, which will be valued here as if the document had already been received from the supplier or issued to the customer.
When opening the form, it is necessary to indicate, at its base, which mid-year closing you want to work on. In the upper tabs, for the purchasing area, the purchase delivery notes (DDT) not valued in invoice, the unrecorded purchase invoices, the goods receipts not yet valued in invoice, and the unbilled returns from subcontractors will be displayed; for the sales area, the delivery notes not yet invoiced and the sales invoices not yet recorded (all of these not yet assigned to the selected closure).
Once the relevant data has been filtered and selected, the accounting button will be pressed (in the case of delivery notes and goods receipts, it will be mandatory to indicate the template for the purchase/sale invoice to be used). The procedure will value the invoice or document as if this were already the definitive document (essentially, it will execute the registration to the supplier named on the document in purchase or to the customer for sales; for the purchase delivery notes, moreover, unless a priority ledger template is set via the appropriate flag, which only manages the cost in relation to the invoices to be received): clearly, it is necessary that all the necessary elements for the operation are present in the document (typically, all invoiced purchases/sales must be there to record the operation).
In this, it is possible to cancel the operation executed in the previous tab.