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Cost Driver Records

We are within the module for Mid-Year Closures and select the procedure 'Cost Driver Records': with this procedure, available only for companies that do not have the Controlling management active, it is possible to value the cost/profit centers according to the cost drivers associated with them. The cost driver, in this case, is nothing more than a criterion for allocating movements to cost/profit centers (cdc/cdp) on N other cost/profit centers (based on percentages set in the Cost Driver table).

Essentially, in the ‘Cost Driver' table, a code/description of the allocation criterion is defined along with details of the cdc/cdp/percentages to be valued (and whether these refer to a particular accounting year or are generally valid for all periods). This Cost Driver is then associated with one or more cost/profit centers: the result is that the accounting assigns the cost/revenue movement to a generic cost/profit center without worrying about how to distribute it across the various reference cdc/cdp, an operation that is executed extracontably afterward by valuing the Cost Drivers Records.

The procedure involves selecting the closure on which to perform the operation, the reason to use (which must have the cdc/cdp flag: in particular, these mid-year records will be records containing only movements of cdc/cdp, there will be no accounting movement) and managing the operation with the percentages associated with the accounting year associated with the mid-year closing itself.

In the lower part of the screen, the cdc/cdp movements that will be subject to allocation will be displayed, along with the corresponding Cost Driver code linked.

Also in this screen, there is a button to restore/delete operations that have already been executed.