Fixed asset classification code
The table is affected by the Fast Start procedure.
If manual configuration is intended, refer to the checklist of the linked page.
In this table, precodes are encoded, valid for the individual company or for all, depending on the Fixed Assets Parameters set, which will be usable in defining the numbering of asset sheets, if the precode management flag is activated in the Fixed Assets Parameters.
In particular, precode management is useful when it is necessary to obtain a non-unique or unique numbering; otherwise, for example, it is not possible to have two sheets with the number 1. If there are two precodes A and B, then it will be possible to have sheet number 1 related to precode A and number 1 related to precode B.
Another example of use is to group assets by year (thus, the various precodes will correspond to the year of purchase) or by type, etc.
Specific Fields
Code: alphanumeric code of the precode.
Description: description of the precode.