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Nature of Intrastat Transaction

The preloaded table defines the nature of transactions about Intrastat declarations.

There is a fictitious typology ‘S – Services', that can identify what type of documents (if they are inserted as document of purchases/sales area) it is necessary to record in quarter/quinquies sections about declarations from year 2010.

CodeCode of transaction nature
DescriptionDescription of transaction nature
TriangulationThe flag called ‘triangular operations' enables the user to upload the list of the last column

 RIBBON BAR: the ribbon bar represents the Form menu, that is the area in which it is possible to operate on previous recordings or generate new ones. The possible features list is the following:

SearchButton to look for a transaction nature code through the fields: code and description
NewButton to insert a transaction nature code
DeleteButton to delete a transaction nature code, where the user is located
PreviewButton to perform the preview
PrintButton to print