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Euro Fixed Exchange Rates

The table has the euro conversion fixed exchanges: if the user sets the euro value, the program will continue automatically with the calculation of the reverse value, that will be used in similar values calculations of the management software. 

CurrencyCurrency code
Currency DescriptionCurrency Description
Currency DateCurrency Date
1 EURO =1 EURO value = reference currency
Reverse ExchangeCalculation of the reverse exchange

RIBBON BAR: the ribbon bar represents the Form menu, that is the area in which it is possible to operate on previous recordings or generate new ones. The possible features list is the following:

SearchIt is a command, that is necessary in order to perform the search of an exchange and even with the possibility to filter information according to the currency and from date to date fields.
InsertionIt is a command, that is necessary in order to insert a new euro fixed exchange
DeleteIt is a command, that is necessary in order to delete an exchange
PreviewIt is a command, that is necessary in order to perform the preview of the euro fixed exchanges
PrintIt is a command, that is necessary in order to perform the euro fixed exchanges print