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Dunning Letters - New Type

CodeIdentification code of dunning letter type
DescriptionDescription of the dunning letter type
Dunning Letters for Maturity Value GroupIn particular the management flag for maturity values group will manage a dunning letter (standard management), on the contrary without flag every maturity value would have its dunning letter that would be separate from the others
Interest TypeThe link to the interest rate type for the application to the payment delay is optional, in order to obtain a calculation to the confirmation date of the dunning letter

With the save of dunning letter type it is possible to create different levels with the command ‘New'

CodeIdentification code of the dunning letter
DescriptionDescription of the dunning letter type
PriorityCreation priority from 1 to N levels
Late DaysIt indicates the late days that have to accrue until the maturity value dunning letter
DaysIt refers to the number of late days of the dunning letter and to the fact if those have to be counted from the creation date or from the due date of the previous dunning letter
From Previous MovementReference date for levels after the first
From Creation DateReference date that is usually used for first level
CreditThe connection to a customer credit control type is not managed

For every dunning letter number it will be possible to proceed, if saved, to the insertion of different texts: the first to upload will be the default one, above all when the customer register has no predefined language.

Texts can be devided into 4 sections: object of the letter, header, conclusion and references section (that is active only for dunning letters on maturity values groups). In the section references, in particular, it is possible to insert a text using codes of the mask base: e.g. “Ref. (3) n. (4) on (5), (9) of (8) (10) with due date on (6)”. 

RIBBON BAR: the ribbon bar represents the Form menu, that is the area in which it is possible to operate on previous recordings or generate new ones. The possible features list is the following:

SearchIt is a command that is necessary in order to look for a dunning letter type through the fields: code and description
New TypeIt is a command to create a new dunning letter type
Edit TypeIt is a command that is necessary in order to edit the dunning letter type, where the user is located
View TypeIt is a command that is necessary in order to view the dunning letter type, where the user is located
Delete TypeIt is a command that is necessary in order to delete the dunning letter type, where the user is located