Item Control
Management can be performed from the Item Control Search.
Item Controls allow for the recording of measurements taken, the values obtained, and the subsequent indication of the compliance or non-compliance of the material, semi-finished product, or controlled product.
We list the documents from which it is possible to carry out controls on items: Goods receipts, Delivery Notes, and Purchase Invoices, Production Declarations, Production Order Phases, Returns from Subcontractors, and Load Movements.
Controls can be specific for: Item Lot, Serial Number, or Load Unit.
Through the M.E.S. solution, integrated into Fluentis, it is possible to enter the aforementioned required information directly and simplified.
Standard reports available:
Item Control List by Item: list of Item Controls grouped by: Item.
Item Control List by Customer / Supplier: list of Item Controls grouped by: Customer/Supplier.
Item Control List by Document Type: list of Item Controls grouped by: Document Type.
Label item C and NC: label showing the references Item and detail Batch or Serial Number controlled.
Command Buttons
Pressing this button saves all modified information of the displayed Item Controls.
Search Control Plan
Pressing this button searches for the Control Plan to associate with the selected Item Controls. If, for the examined Item Control:
- there are Tests with values already recorded for those Controls, no search will be performed;
- all Tests have not yet been recorded, the Tests will be replaced with those associated with the Control Plan found in the search.
For the automatic search of the Control plan to be associated with each ITEM present in the selected document line, the following methodology is used:
- for production documents (Production declarations and Production Order Phases), the Control Plan indicated in the Phase is considered;
- for other documents, the account of the Client or Supplier associated with the Document type and the Date of document is considered;
with this information, the Control Plan valid as of the document date and for the selected ITEM is searched for to associate;
for each search, if the Control Plan is not found, it proceeds with the next combination of values;
if more than one Control Plan is found, the Control is still inserted, but a decision must be made on which Control Plan to associate among those found;
the search sequence is as follows:- search among the Control Plans of the Plan Type indicated as the Control plan type of the Document Type for Import present in the Item Control Parameters and account of the Customer or Supplier of the document, and subsequently those without a Customer or Supplier account;
- search among the Control Plans of other Plan Types not indicated as the Control Plan Type of the Document Type for Import present in the Item Control Parameters and the account of the Customer or Supplier of the document, and subsequently those without a Customer or Supplier account.
- if not found, a warning message is displayed, the Item Control is still inserted but without the Control Plan, lacking the Tests to check, and an indication is added in the Control Plans Requests.
Pressing this button updates all information present in the displayed Item Controls.
Pressing this button deletes all selected rows from the main list of Item Controls.
Warehouse Record
The button is enabled only if at least one Test has been selected from the Tests list that has not yet been Registered, with recorded values and at least Confirmed Quantity or Non-Compliant Quantity declared.
Pressing this button performs warehouse registrations, on the current date, for the Item associated with the Control for the declared Confirmed Quantity and/or Non-Compliant Quantity, for the specified Warehouse and Reasons.
Restore Record
The button is enabled only if at least one Test that has already been Registered has been selected from the Tests list.
Pressing this button restores the warehouse registrations associated with the Test row.
Duplicate Test
The button is enabled only if one Test row has been selected from the Tests list.
All the information from the source Test is duplicated into a new Test appended in Sequence to the already existing Tests.
Data Management
Header Data
The header data is divided into two different areas:
- on the left, the list of Item Controls requested from the Item Control Search;
- on the right, the references of the source document of the controls.
The list of Item Controls, read-only unless specified otherwise, consists of the following information:
Class: is the class of the Item of the controlled document row.
Item code: is the code of the Item of the controlled document row.
Item detail: is the type of detail to be checked for the Item and can take the following values: None, Batch, Serial Number, or Load Unit.
Item Detail reference: is the required item detail: None, Batch code, Serial Number Code, or Load Unit Code.
Control Type: is the code of the Item Control Type.
Number: is the number of the Item Control.
Insertion date: is the date when the Item Control was entered.
Control plan used: is the reference of the associated Control Plan.
This data can be changed if the search found multiple Control Plans to associate.
Control plan description: is the description of the Control Plan.
Analysis date: is the date when the analysis is performed. This data can be changed.
Result: is the overall result of the tests. It is manually assigned by the operator. This data can be changed.
Result date: is the date when the overall Result of the Tests was assigned. This data can be changed.
Approved: indicates the Approval of the controls performed.
At the time of approval, the Approval date is automatically proposed to be today's date and can be modified; all information of the Tests can no longer be changed.
Approved date: is the date when the overall Approval of the Tests was performed.
At the time of entering the date, the Approved flag is automatically set.
Unit of measure: is the Unit of measure of the Document Quantity of the controlled document row.
Document quantity: is the Document Quantity of the controlled document row.
Item description: is the description of the Item of the controlled document row.
Control type description: is the description of the Item Control Type.
Notes: free annotations. This data can be changed.
The area containing the references of the source document of the controls varies depending on the Document Type.
The references for each Document Type are:
Goods Receipt: Supplier, Reception Type, Receipt Number, Reception Date, and Row.
Purchase Delivery Note: Supplier, Delivery Note Type, Document Number, Internal Number, Date, and Row.
Purchase Invoices: Supplier, Purchase Invoice Type, Document Number, Internal Number, Date, and Row.
Production Declarations: Client, Order Type, Year/Order/Batch, Phase/Subphase, Number, and Reporting Date.
Production Order Phases: Client, Order Type, Year/Order/Batch, Phase/Subphase, and Work Center.
Subcontractor Returns: Supplier, Return Type, Document Number, Date, and Row.
Load Movements: Customer/Supplier, Warehouse, Reason, Number, Date, and Movement Number.
Contains the list of Tests for the Item.
The list consists of the following information:
Sequence: is the sequence of the Tests implementation.
Posted: indicates that registrations have been made for the Test in the warehouse, on the current date, for the Item associated with the Control for the declared Confirmed Quantity and/or Non-Compliant Quantity, for the specified Warehouse and Reasons. This information is read-only.
Test type: is the code of the Test.
Test type description: is the description of the Test. This information is read-only.
Destructive Test: indicates whether the test is destructive. This information is read-only.
Internal Test: indicates whether the Test is detected internally or at an external laboratory.
External Laboratory: is the legal name of the Supplier that will conduct the test. This information is read-only if Internal Test is indicated.
Sending Date: is the date the material necessary to conduct the Test was sent to the External Laboratory. This information is read-only if Internal Test is indicated.
Unit of measure of quantity: is the Unit of measure of the Document Quantity of the controlled document row. This information is read-only.
Document quantity: is the Document Quantity of the controlled document row. This information is read-only.
Measurement Tools Category: is the Category of the measurement tool to be used to detect the Values expressed in the Test.
Unit of measure of recorded values: is the Unit of measure with which the Typical Value, Minimum and Maximum Limits are expressed if in value and not in percentage, and the Recorded Values.
Value Type: is the Value Type with which to express the Typical Value; the possible Value Types are: Numeric, Yes/No, or Text.
Limit Type: enabled if the Value Type is Numeric, this is the Limit Type that will control the enabling of Limits and the values of Tolerances.
Typical Value: is the theoretical expected value of the Test.
Minimum Limit: is the minimum limit allowed compared to the Typical Value.
L.min.(toll-): is the negative tolerance limit on the minimum limit.
L.min.(toll+): is the positive tolerance limit on the minimum limit.
Maximum Limit: is the maximum limit allowed compared to the Typical Value.
L.max.(toll-): is the negative tolerance limit on the maximum limit.
L.max.(toll+): is the positive tolerance limit on the maximum limit.
%: indicates whether the Minimum Limit and Maximum Limit are expressed as a percentage.
Test Control Type: is the Control Type to be carried out on the Test.
Frequency: free annotations related to sampling frequency.
Number of recordings: is the number of minimum suggested value recordings to be made.Start Date: is the start date of the Test.
End Date: is the end date of the Test.
Detected Value: is the detected point value of the Test that will determine the Result.
Upon entering the Detected Value:
- in Detected by, the Employee associated with the A.R.M. User who logged in will be proposed;
- in Detected by user, the A.R.M. User who logged in will be proposed;
- in Result, the result of the Test will be proposed and can be modified later.
- in Test result date, the current date will be proposed and can be modified later.
Average values detected: is the average of the detected values in the Measurement Values of the Test.
Measurement Tool: is the Measurement Tool used to detect the point value of the Test.
Detected by: is the Employee who entered the Detected Value.
Upon entering the Detected Value, this information will be proposed to be equal to the Employee associated with the A.R.M. User who logged in.
Detected by user: is the A.R.M. User who entered the Detected Value.
Upon entering the Detected Value, this information will be proposed to be equal to the A.R.M. User who logged in.
Detected Value Manually: indicates whether the Detected Value was entered manually. This information is read-only.
Result: is the positive or negative result of the Test.
Upon entering the Result, the Test Result Date will propose today’s date and can be modified later.
Upon entering the Detected Value or Average of detected values, this information will be proposed based on the Value Type, Limit Type, Typical Value, Limits, and Tolerances entered.
Test Result Date: is the date when the Result is assigned.
Upon entering the Result, this information will be proposed to be equal to today’s date and can be modified later.
Description of the result: free annotations on the subject.
Manual outcome attrib.: indicates whether the Result was entered manually. This information is read-only.Confirmed Quantity:
Non-Compliant Quantity: .
Warehouse: is the Warehouse from which the Controlled Items are taken.
Template for unload compliant items: is the Unload Template used to move the Controlled Items that are found to be Compliant.
Template for unload non-compliant items: is the Unload Template used to move the Controlled items that are found to be Non-Compliant.
Location: is the Location from which the Controlled Items are taken.Printable: indicates that the Test is printable.
Approved: indicates that the values and the Result assigned to the Test have been Approved.
At the time of the approval, the Result Approval Date is automatically proposed to be today’s date and can be modified; all information of the Test can no longer be changed.
Result Approval Date: is the date when the Approval of the Test was carried out.
At the time of entering the date, the Approved flag is automatically set.
User: is the A.R.M. User who Approved the Test. This information is read-only.
Approval Description: free annotations on the subject.
Notes: free annotations.Measurement Tool Category Description: is the description of the Measurement Tool Category to be used. This information is read-only.
Measurement Tool Description: is the description of the Measurement Tool used. This information is read-only.
Warehouse Description: is the description of the Warehouse from which the Controlled Items are taken. This information is read-only.
Template description for unload compliant items: is the description of the Unload Template used to move the Controlled Items that are found to be Compliant. This information is read-only.
Template description for unload non-compliant items: is the description of the Unload Template used to move the Controlled Items that are found to be Non-Compliant. This information is read-only.
The information of: Test Type, Internal Test, External Laboratory, Measurement Tool Category, Unit of Measure for Detected Values, Value Type, Limit Type, Typical Value, Limits ..., Tolerances ..., %, Test Control Type, Frequency, and Number of Detections is read-only if the Test comes from the Control Plan; otherwise, they can be modifiable to allow adding additional Tests not foreseen in the Control Plan.
Measurement Values
Contains the list of detections made for a single Test.
The list consists of the following information:
Sequence: is the sequence of the detection implementation.
Position: free annotations related to the position of the detection.
Detected Value: is the value detected by the user.
If the Detected Value is of Numeric type, the average of the Detected Values entered in this list for the selected Test will be inserted in the Average of Detected Values column of the selected Test, which will determine the Result.
Upon entering the Detected Value:
- in Detected by, the Employee associated with the A.R.M. User who logged in will be proposed;
- in Detected by user, the A.R.M. User who logged in will be proposed;
- in Detected on, the current date will be proposed.
Measurement Tool Used: is the reference to the Measurement Tool used by the user to acquire the Detected Value.
Detected by: is the Employee who entered the Detected Value.
Upon entering the Detected Value, this information will be proposed to be equal to the Employee associated with the A.R.M. User who logged in.
Detected by user: is the A.R.M. User who entered the Detected Value.
Upon entering the Detected Value, this information will be proposed to be equal to the A.R.M. User who logged in.
Detected on: is the date when the operator entered the Detected Value.
Upon entering the Detected Value, this information will be proposed to be equal to the current date.
Notes: free annotations.
Measurement Tool Description: is the description of the Measurement Tool used.
Test Attribute
It is possible to enter Extra Data for the single Test.
Test Configuration
Contains the Extra Data necessary for users to prepare all the necessary tools to start a specific test. These can be considered necessary configurations, operational information prerequisite to the execution of the test.
They are inherited from the Planned Test Configurations present in the Planned Tests of the Control Plan or from the Testing and Measurement Tool Configuration Parameters present in the Test Types.
Attached Documents
In this list, it is possible to insert and consult any attachments; it is possible to view the preview.
Attributes Controls
It is possible to enter Extra Data for each Control.
They are inherited from the Extra Data associated with the Items Control Type.
Item Attributes
It is possible to enter Extra Data for the Controlled Item.
They are inherited from the Extra Data associated with the Item.
Linked Documents
In this list, it is possible to insert and consult any attachments; it is possible to view the preview.