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Warehouse Purchase Delivery Note Record

The procedure is accessed via the path Purchases > Purchase DN > Procedures > Warehouse Purchase Delivery Note Record and allows for the execution/restoration of warehouse loading operations for the items present in the DN.


The Purchase DN can also be registered in the warehouse using the button Automatic loading in warehouse found within the document.


It offers the possibility to enter filters to search for purchase DDTs, to select them, and then register them in the warehouse.

  • Warehouse posting date: allows specifying the date related to the warehouse registration.

If in the Purchase DN Parameters > Load tab, the flag Create recording with document date is active, the warehouse registration will always be executed with the document date, ignoring the Warehouse posting date entered in this form.
If the flag in the parameters is not active, the manually entered Load date in the header of the DN will be used.
If the Load date is not set, the warehouse registration will be created with the Warehouse posting date entered in this form.

Specific buttons:

Search: allows searching for DDTs to be registered in the warehouse.
Record: allows executing the warehouse loading of the DDTs selected in the upper grid.


If some item lines of the DN do not have the warehouse and the reason for loading, this form gives the user the opportunity to choose how to handle the exceptions.

The available options are:

  • Do not register the entire DN: does not allow partial loading of the document;
  • Ignore item without warehouse and template: allows partial loading of the document;
  • Accept the following data as warehouse and reason: ensures complete loading of the document. For all items found without a warehouse and reason in the selected DDTs, it sets the data entered immediately after, in the fields: Warehouse and Template.

If in the Purchase DN Parameters > Load tab the flag Priority warehouse and load template is active, the Warehouse and Template entered in the parameters will always be used, ignoring those present in the DN for each item line.

Specific button

Save Parameters: allows saving the parameters set for the registration.


In this tab, the user has the option to search, view, and cancel the registration operations performed, both those made using this procedure and those performed from within the document using the Automatic loading button.

The data in the lower grids, DN and Registration, correspond to the selected loading registration in the upper grid (after filtering the data). In these two grids, it is possible to view the DN and its warehouse registration by double-clicking on the row.

Specific buttons:

Search: to search for loaded DDTs. The result of this procedure is displayed in the result grids.
Delete records: to restore the entire selected loading registration.
Delete Delivery Note: to delete the loading of a selected document in the loading registration. This operation will also result in the cancellation of the warehouse registration if it corresponds to only one DN or the updating of its data if it corresponds to multiple DDTs.