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Offer Search

The form opens through the path Sales > Offers > Offer Search. For an explanation of the functionalities common to sales documents, refer to the section Sales.

The first button in the toolbar specific to this mask is New version: it allows the creation of a new version of the selected offer; this functionality enables the retention of the history of previous offers.

The second button is Conversion: it allows transforming a sales offer into an actual sales order. For the process to occur correctly, it is essential to configure the desired Order Type in the Offer Types table. Furthermore, for the offer to be converted successfully, it must have a Confirmation Date in the header; otherwise, the system will notify the user via a pop-up message about the need to confirm the offer before proceeding. Once all required data is entered, starting the procedure will prompt a pop-up with the following fields:

  • If at least some lines of the offer have already been converted into an order, the user will be asked whether they want to create a new order using all the offer lines or only the lines not yet referenced.
  • Create/Update Project: this flag indicates to the system that, in addition to creating the order, it should also proceed with creating or updating the project. If the project needs to be created, it is necessary to check the command Create New Empty Project, Create New Project from SalesOffer, or Create New Project from SalesOffer and Project Template; in all cases, it will be necessary to enter the Project Type to be created in the appropriate field, and in the last case, it will also request the entry of the Template project. If the project already exists and needs to be updated with the data entered in the offer, it will be necessary to fill out the Project field with the project to be updated.
  • Bring Materials/Resources from Offer Lines as Order Lines: these flags will insert the item lines with the resources and materials from the offer into the order, if hierarchical.

Once the pop-up is confirmed, the system will then generate a new Customer Order using the data from the offer. This order can be viewed and modified in the section Customer Order Search. Additionally, the user will be informed via a pop-up message about the success of the conversion, the number of the converted offer, and its version, along with a message containing the number of the customer order generated from the conversion.
If any data proposed by the registry is modified in the Offer, they will be reflected in the Order generated by the conversion: Customer Notes, Shipping, Payments, Discounts, Agents, Destinations, Carriers.
In the case of converting multiple offers into order(s), the grouping must be set in the Order Grouping Parameters.