Release note Version 705
Management of cost centers and dimensions: management of a new general parameter (boolean, code FS-CO-CostCenterByDepartment) to allow the visualization of centers regardless of the reference division.
Processing and printing 'Consolidated project': processing now requires the specification of a code and a description to be assigned to the processing to be created. The print now automatically sets the selection of the processing to be printed with the last processing.
CRM CRM: introduced management of offers with hierarchical structure.
FI - Finance
Chart of accounts and Opening items: for accounts not in the registry, the possibility of assigning a default for item creation in the chart of accounts has been activated. Management in postings and manual records.
PM - Project Management
Projects: template projects are displayed in the search form.
Dunning Letters
Search for reminders: new reminder search form based on the FSReminder object.
General ledger
Types of tax operations: insertion of new types 'Scrap purchases, waste, etc.' and 'Cleaning, demolition, ... buildings'.
Posting of sales invoices: added parameter to assign the division linked to the client’s assigned branch to the registration.
Management of SDI invoice postings: if the company has the multi-division centers management parameter, it is possible to assign the registration to different branches and divisions from the active one.
Inventory book: in the new mask, it is possible to enter a list of PDFs of the integrated documentary, where the inventory, asset, and financial statements that make up the inventory book itself have been pre-stored. The execution of the printing process will save the user and print date of the book, which can be modified until the 'Final' flag is set (subject to specific user rights).
New webapi: creation of a new endpoint AccountingReadWritePublicController for the webapi creation of accounting records of purchase/sale invoices.
Accounting records: added block to the saving of records with controlling type accounts, allowed only in the controlling area.
VAT types: differentiated visualization list for purchase and sales turnover and in accounting records (in this case depending on the VAT register type) for the San Marino localization.
Generation of Intrastat file: the parameter for localizing the type of file to create (entratel or intraweb) has been moved to general parameters, so it can be managed freely by the user. Parameter code 'IN-Entratel-FileCreation-IT'
Review of intrastat for managing weights from item lines in invoices: management of two new general parameters ("FS-FI-Intrastat-UseDocumentWeightInPurchase" and "FS-FI-Intrastat-UseDocumentWeightInSale") that, if set, will allow the mass of the FSPostingIntrastat collection to be valued from the weight recorded in the item line of the document (if not set, the data from the item registry will be used). With the same parameter, the automatic intrastat generation from purchase/sale invoice will also read the net mass of the line in the document (rather than from the item registry).
Maturities Items: in the 'Calculation of late interest' procedure, it has been made possible to calculate multiple rates in the same period. Professional services
Professional fees: in companies with the 'Controlling' flag active, a new field has been enabled to assign projects in the analytical lines (and therefore potentially value N projects in the same fee).
Creation of compensation for recipient from agent liquidation: type and payment solution of the liquidation are reported without the value from the agent registry.
CO - Controlling Closings Creation of interim account closings: storage of filter date range and exclusion reason.
Management of cost centers and dimensions: management of a new general parameter (boolean, code FS-CO-CostCenterByDepartment) to allow the visualization of centers independently of the reference division. Registration of physical movements of controlling: if the company has the general parameter 'FS-CO-CostCenterByDepartment' false, then in the details grid of the form the division to be assigned to the loaded physical movement will be visible. Reclassification Processing and printing 'Consolidated project': processing now requires the specification of a code and a description to be assigned to the processing to be created. Printing now automatically sets the selection of the processing to be printed with the last processing.
CRM CRM CRM: update of date and resource assigned to the project WBS; they automatically update the data in the planned intervention if present and the relevant resource calendars. ERP FI - Finance Chart of accounts and Opening items: for accounts not in the registry, the possibility of assigning a default for item creation in the chart of accounts has been activated. Management in postings and manual records.
SH - Configuration and Tables Contacts: when creating a new contact, the 'Grouping Parameters' tab is populated with default values. FI - Finance and Accounting Dunning Letters Search for reminders: new reminder search form based on the FSReminder object.
Posting of purchase and sales documents: purchase/increase of assets in purchases and total alienation in sales.
Generation of counters for the new year: creating a new record or posting a document in a new year not yet defined in the accounting parameters is now intercepted to ask if the new counters should be generated before proceeding. Single phase tax: management of single phase tax in recipients, in manual records and in postings from purchases and sales for San Marino localization. Accounting parameters and printing of periodic VAT liquidation: in accounting parameters, a field has been added to set the minimum VAT debt amount for payment, set to €100 for the years 2024 and beyond. Alignment of the printing report of the periodic VAT liquidation to use this value and exclude the carryover of the debt (even if below the limit) for December or the last quarter. VAT rates/modes table: visualization of code for electronic invoices also in San Marino localization. General ledger Tax operation types: insertion of new types ‘Scrap purchases, waste, etc.’ and ‘Cleaning, demolition, … buildings’.
Posting documents: for lines valued in reason with totalization VAT amount types, if the associated account is economic now the competence dates are valued that are updated from the VAT line amounts with the same ranges. Posting of sales invoices: added parameter to assign the registration the division connected to the branch assigned to the customer.
Creation of accounting records from Sdi file: the payment code entered in the Sdi file is now reported in the payment code field of the corresponding accounting item.
Management of SDI invoice postings: if the company has the multi-division centers management parameter, it is possible to assign the registration to different branches and divisions from the active one.
Inventory book: in the new mask, it is possible to enter a list of PDFs of the integrated documentary, where the inventory, asset, and financial statements that make up the inventory book itself have been pre-stored. The execution of the printing process will save the user and print date of the book, which can be modified until the 'Final' flag is set (subject to specific user rights). New webapi: creation of a new endpoint AccountingReadWritePublicController for the webapi creation of accounting records of purchase/sale invoices.
Accounting records: added block to the saving of records with controlling type accounts, allowed only in the controlling area.
VAT types: visualization of the differentiated list for purchase and sales turnover and in accounting records (in this case depending on the VAT register type) for the San Marino localization. Budget visualization in Blazor: adjustment of filters and totals. Intrastat Generation of Intrastat files: the parameter for localizing the type of file to create (entratel or intraweb) has been moved to general parameters, to allow free management by the user. Parameter code 'IN-Entratel-FileCreation-IT' Review of intrastat for managing weights from item lines in invoices: management of two new general parameters ("FS-FI-Intrastat-UseDocumentWeightInPurchase" and "FS-FI-Intrastat-UseDocumentWeightInSale") that, if set, will allow the mass of the FSPostingIntrastat collection to be valued from the weight recorded in the item line of the document (if not set, the data from the item registry will be used). Maturities Items: in the 'Calculation of late interest' procedure, the possibility to calculate multiple rates in the same period has been made. Professional services Professional fees: in companies with 'Controlling' flag active, a new field has been enabled to assign projects in the analytical lines (and therefore potentially value N projects in the same fee). Creation of compensation for recipient from agent liquidation: type and payment solution of the liquidation are reported without the value from the agent registry.
MES - Manufacturing Execution System General Material requirement parameters: the parameters for calculating the feasibility of Phases have been implemented. It is possible to parameterize:
the calculation of feasibility on the materials to be consumed in the analysis phase "Consider Materials";
the calculation of feasibility on the phase of work prior to the analysis phase "Consider Previous Phases";
activating feasibility calculation in various managements (for this version only activatable in the "Phase Sequence" management);
the management of colors to activate to highlight, in various details, whether a phase is feasible or not. Signal Production declaration: the names of the fields in the grids of batches and serial numbers of the 'Alternative items' and 'Batches and serial numbers' tabs have been updated. MS - Master Schedule General Standard Phases: the purchase turnover type associated with the external standard phase. In the registry of 'External standard phases' it is possible to associate the purchase turnover type. In generating 'Phase Work Orders', during the release of production orders with external processing phases, the purchase turnover type associated with the phase will be shown in the processing item line. MPS - Master Production Schedule MPS: the new management has been implemented.
PM - Project Management Activities Activities: WEBAPI created for importing project activities. Activities: parameter introduced to manage the proposed date when inserting a new activity declaration. Management of payroll import/export: in payroll import parameters, two fields have been added to indicate the export flows of employee hours, allowing the selection of which format to use (zucchetti, teamsystem, now also systems). Alignment of the export and import of payroll recordings. General Multi-level offers: icons in item lines have been revised, managed with the same icons present in project WBS.
Intervention Interventions in projects: the 'Discount' field of the interventions accepts decimal values in the header and in service lines. Interventions: when duplicating an intervention, the value present in 'Suspension reason' is no longer reported in the newly generated intervention. Interventions: managed the propagation of extra data from item to service lines in the intervention. Interventions: optimized the management of parameters for the operator in case of inserting a new activity declaration or inserting a new intervention. Interventions: perfected three cases related to interventions:
it is possible to insert the first service line by directly associating the project without the need to click the 'New service' button;
if the intervention date is different from today's date, the expenses incurred related to travel hours propose the date consistent with the intervention date and not with today's date.
following the change of the client in the intervention header, assigning the project of the new client in the services, the message about different project client from header client is no longer given if the intervention is not saved.
Intervention request with an associated plant registry: when converted into an actual intervention, the plant registry is reported in the service line of the intervention. Projects Generation of planned intervention from Creation of intervention from plants: in case of missing 'Planned intervention type' configuration, a message is sent to the user. Projects: index has been added in the database for extradata.
Projects: added management of cost and revenue source types in projects and related SAL processing/analysis. Projects: managed the obligation of turnover on project and intervention based on the configuration of the document type and the configuration of the single line. Projects: managed the 'Taxable amount' field in the tree structure of project WBSs, even in the case of articles coded with note children. Projects: introduced the possibility to move and copy WBSs of a project. Projects: changes made in the grid of the project's 'Resources' tab are reflected in the resource navigator. Projects: in line entry, a multiple selection of items is allowed, enabling mass insertion of lines in the project. Projects: codes of the 'Cost revenue origin type' list are replaced with new codes in documents and configuration tables, and subsequently deleted. Projects: two new fields have been added to indicate whether the project and project lines have been entered from an offer.
Project with WBS structure: made possible the insertion of note-type children in coded/uncoded parent levels. Resources Ferma requests/permissions: in the selection phase of managers and team leaders, their respective emails are entered separated by ';' and not ',' as previously. QY - Quality Staff Management Staff management: the 'Management of D.P.I. deliveries' has been implemented. Vendor rating Supplier ratings: Initial, Periodic, and Nonconformity Supplier Ratings have been implemented. Initial and Periodic Ratings: these are evaluations based on 'Check-List/Questions' to be performed, and based on the responses obtained, a Rating is manually given for each question and an overall Rating.
Nonconformity Ratings: they are based on 'Nonconformities' attributed in a certain period and, based on the 'Qualification indices' attributed to: Detected defects, Causes, Detection phases, Severity, Proposed solutions, Adopted solutions, and Decisions made, an overall Rating is automatically assigned.
Based on the parameterization given to 'Ratings' (in the 'Supplier ratings' table and in the 'Supplier qualification parameters'), the supplier may be automatically suspended. The restoration of the suspension must be done manually. SCM - Supply Chain Management General Management of cost centers in purchase documents: in companies with active controlling, when saving a document, a message indicating the deletion of any analytical lines without a valued cost center is now returned. Purchase Invoices Posting of invoices to be received: modifications for managing DDT with non-coded and/or non-loaded items. Purchase invoices: corrected error in processing a DDT in invoice with VAT included price. Purchase Orders Automatic order creation: in the 'Operations' tab, all lines of the same created 'Supplier Order' are grouped into a single operation, even if the fulfillments have been multiple. Automatic order creation: availability control has been added. Purchase requests: the proposed price in RDA lines is the net supplier obtained by applying all applicable discounts to the item.
SD - Sales & Distribution Sales: the 'Description' field can be opened in extended field mode for long texts or to recall coded notes. Sales Invoices Sales invoice search: added filter for 'SDI Status' and columns related to SDI data for San Marino localization. Analytical in sales invoices: enabled modification even in invoices already managed for the SDI but not posted. Agent commissions calculation on payment received - case of zero invoices for account cancellations: the 'Accrued Commissions' print and the 'Automatic liquidation of commissions creation' now consider commissions recorded in a zero invoice accrued if within the document there is a cancellation regarding a deposit with an accounted item.
Sales invoices: in the case of creating a sales invoice from an advance item, the deadlines are created with the 'Manual' flag. Sales: added the possibility to fulfill only descriptive lines in sales documents. Sales Offers Conversion of offer to order: the option 'Bring materials/resources from offer lines as order lines' is hidden if the 'Hierarchical' option is not enabled in the offer type. Creation of hierarchical offer: added initialization script for the 'Cost origin type' values list for materials in offers, used for updated databases. Sales offers: added management of automatic project creation from offer.
Sales offers: new functionalities for hierarchical offers introduced, such as copy/move levels, create RDA, replace WBS number, FTE for resources, price update from resources/materials.
Hierarchical offers: in the 'Materials' tab, the decimals handled in the 'Unit price' field have been increased. Multi-level offers: it is possible to insert children of note type in levels with coded/uncoded row types.
Multi-level offers: managed the possibility of selectively excluding certain materials and resources from import into the order; set order line sorting as in the offer; materials valued in the order if the parent code they are linked to is 0, otherwise materials are 0 and the parent is valued; added the possibility to assign markup percentage massively to all lines. Multi-level offers: managed the 'Update price from prototype' flag in case of offer price update from prototype. Multi-level offers: managed version reference in project title and corrected total line calculation in orders for some specific cases. Multi-level offers: in the conversion phase to project and order, each line of offer and order is managed with reference to the corresponding project WBS. Multi-level offers: the duplication procedure also considers the new row flags 'Exclude resources in customer order' and 'Exclude materials in customer order'. Multi-level offers: delivery date and estimated delivery period are now visible in the WBS structure line. Removed quantity = 1 block for WBS lines with materials and resources. If the price is calculated from materials and resources, the unit price is calculated from the sum of the revenue of materials and/or resources, divided by the quantity indicated in the WBS line. Multi-level offers: unlocking the insertion of resources even for intermediate coded lines; for coded parent lines with note children, if resources and materials are entered at the children level and price updates from resources/materials are foreseen, the parent is updated with the sum of values present in children. Offers: added Total Cost column in the tree structure of multi-level offers. Offers: during the conversion from Customer Offer to Customer Order, the warehouses and reasons set in 'Customer Order Types' are now proposed. Offers: resolved zeroing of unit price on parent level in case of inserting new child nodes. Offers: added the possibility of creating requests for offers to suppliers from material lines of the multi-level sales offer. Sales offer parameters: added the possibility to manage in project title also the our reference/your reference fields present in the offer. Offer parameters: added offer parameters related to hierarchical offers. It is possible to configure:
the item to be used in the order for resource insertion from the offer;
the title of the project generated by the offer;
the default cost type to propose in the offer materials;
the reference to the prototype linked to the offer. Sales Orders Customer orders: project and offer references are managed also for material and resource lines generated from offer lines. Change of sales order type: when changing the order type, it is checked if it is necessary to recreate payment settings according to search condition settings. Automatic project creation from the order: in case of price and/or discount variation, the project is also correctly updated. Customer orders with automatic project generation: alignment of order number - project number is managed in case of project without numerator. Customer orders: the assignment of the 'Project number' for projects automatically created from customer orders has been modified. If the project type does not have a numerator, the customer order number is assigned. If the project type has its own numerator with its specific formatting, it takes precedence over the number assigned by the order. Purchase order references in customer orders, DDT, sales invoices: two new reference fields have been added in the order header, one for the number and the second for the date of the customer's purchase order. The two fields are populated in DDT/invoice with the same logic of the Your reference field. If the new number is populated, both this and the new date field are reported in the respective SDI file tags. SH - Configuration and Tables Contacts Customer/supplier registry: the 'Split payment' flag is visible only for companies of the IT and SM localizations. Blazor and entering 'New customer registry': revision of entry for SDI coding. Business branch: visibility of data for active company.
Grouping parameters for customer/supplier: grouping parameters can be customized for each customer/supplier by entering only the procedures that differ from standard groupings.
Webapi for importing customers/suppliers: released webapi and controller GeneralReadWritePublicController for the import of customer/supplier registries. General Product availability analysis: added filter for project and production order. Blazor: management of CTRL+A to select all records in grids.
Electronic document configuration: visibility of electronic invoice settings for San Marino localization. Execution of workflows from tabs in search forms: creation of a single attachment, without replicating them. Workflow: review of attachment management in workflows with action 'E-mail workflow transitions'. Items Item Navigator: new Tabs
Purchase price simulation: displays the net prices of the item’s preferred suppliers with detail on how the net price is calculated; it is also possible to enter a supplier who is not among the preferred ones;
Sales price simulation: displays the net prices of the item’s preferred customers with detail on how the net price is calculated; it is also possible to enter a customer who is not among the preferred ones;
Added the tab for work order documents;
Added the tab for work order price lists;
in the Purchase discount categories tab, the discount categories of the item have been inserted with the defined percentage discounts for the item. TR - Treasury Customer Risk Client exposure: a search button has been added to allow viewing the latest processing without having to recalculate it.
Unpaid Posting of bad debts: inserted reference to the expiration date of the bad debt effect.
Vendor Payment Import payment notices RiBa: management of physical files with multiple logical files within. WMS - Warehouse Management System UDC Material picking list: in the materials table, conditional formatting functionality has been added. WM - Warehouse posting and picking Picking confirmation: the new form allows a picking to be confirmed. This procedure only displays pickings created with a picking type that does not have the 'Loading unit' flag mandatory active. Confirmation of UDC picking: the new form allows searching and confirming an existing UDC/Packing list picking list to perform the warehouse movement. Tick management: the form can also be used for 'Picking Confirmation', allowing it to be used without UDC. This will allow confirming a picking line without using pallets or managing the picking of production order materials. Tick management: now, in case there are multiple lines of the same item and one starts checking one, the focus remains on that item until the remaining quantity drops to zero and then shifts to another. Inventory: activates OpenInventItemCommand even if the inventory is opened in disabled mode. Loading plans: the 'Delivery route model' button has been removed from the 'Loading plans' menu. Fluentis CRM 3. Newsletters 1. General topics Newsletter: when sending newsletters, the content of the 'Company E-mail' of the dynamic distribution List is considered as the recipient of the emails. Mobile 1. Modules 1. General topics UDC transfer list: the status of the list has been added both as a filter and as a column in the results grid. Inventory list types: added the 'Maintain location' flag. This ensures that during inventory with WMS, the inserted location will not be changed until another location is read. WMS - Item stock: a new column has been added for viewing stock levels. The columns referring to the stock level are three: Stock (Gest.), Stock, and Stock(FC) (FC = Conversion factor). If using the 'UM Def. WMS' (present in the 'Alternative unit of measure' tab of the item registry), the first is valued with the item’s main unit of measure, the second is populated with the stock expressed in the item’s alternative unit of measure and given by the sum of movements, while the third is given by the stock expressed in the alternative unit of measure but calculated with the conversion factor. If the 'UM Def. WMS' flag is not enabled, the 'Stock' and 'Stock(FC)' columns will not be valued.