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Release Notes Version 707


Supplier Orders

Search purchase orders: in the Tools section, a new button Update prices has been added, a new feature that allows updating prices in order lines based on the valid price lists at the document date or the expected delivery date, also allowing for the updating of lines with manual prices and partially fulfilled lines.

Supplier Price Lists

Supplier price list search: a Closed button has been added that allows you to enter the end validity date for the selected price lists.

Purchase Invoices

Purchase Invoices Accounting: In the procedure parameters, the parameter for Vat code for gifts in vat register has been added, aligning the procedure with the logic already present in the posting of sales invoices.


Product Cost

Product Cost: the Variant cost column has been added to the cost calculation. This displays the values present in the Variant tab of the item registry (#TT03057/24).

Mid-Year Closures

New Mid-Year Closures: within the procedure for Creating a new Mid-Year Closure, the ability to create, at the end of the closure creation and after any previously existing adjustment and integration postings, the postings managed by Inventory accounting and Fixed Assets Depreciation Retrieve has been included.


Create Reclassification: within the creation mask for a new Income Statement Reclassification, a button to create a new closure has been included: after setting the code and description of the reclassification and selecting the model, the button allows you to create a new closure on the fly and directly associate it with the reclassification being created.


SDI Documents

Outgoing SDI documents: a button has been added, active when the sales invoice is in Generated status, allowing you to reload and replace the xml file by selecting it from a folder.


Dunning Letters Automatic Issue: in the Automatic Reminder Creation mask, new parameters have been added to allow predefining, depending on the range of days overdue from the due date, what level of reminder to create.

Accounting Records

Importing records from DocFinance: a general parameter (code FS-PR-DocFinanceNote) has been created that allows you to define how Fluentis should populate the line notes in the imported records. For example, populate the parameter with (2) FT.N. (DF) of (4) – (6)

  • Since the code (DF) indicates the text passed from DocFinance, it will then combine it with numeric codes using the same logic as accounting reasons (2) is the reason description, (4) is the document date (taken from the batch being closed), (6) is the account description.

If populated like this instead: FT. (3) of (4)

  • Since there is no (DF) code, then we will use the note from DocFinance for the lines that are not linked to batches, while for those closing batches, we will have populated this text (with (3) the document number and (4) the document date, taken from the batch being closed).



Crm Contact:

  • in the CRM Contact workflow, there is an action that is executed on all states when the status of the workflow changes. Starting from the initial status Contact, I already have the contact pipeline set by the contact type selector. If I change the status to Qualification, if there is no match between the status code and the contact pipeline, the Contact pipeline will always be proposed. When I switch to Prospect, the Prospect contact pipeline will be proposed, as the Prospect status code matches the contact type.
  • When creating a new CRM Contact and a contact type is selected, if the contact type has an associated pipeline, the contact pipeline with Description = Contact will be proposed.
  • during the creation of a CRM Contact, the potential existence of the VAT number is checked even among the accounting records, and the user is notified with a popup (#TT04386/24).
  • the CrmContact widget has been modified (some widgets have been renamed, others have been moved to different positions, a new expandable for properties from the contact reference has been added).
  • added the filter Active contacts from – to to search for active contacts. The conditions are based on the closure date, so the closure date must fall within the range or be empty.


CRM Parameters (Fluentis Universal):

  • the new parameter Search for a contact also as a parent contact is used in the CRM Contact search filter and in the Visit Reports search. When the filter is opened, this setting will be displayed. With a parent contact set, it will search for CrmContact.Id = ParentContact.Id or CrmContact.ContactParent.Id = ParentContact.Id. The filter is modifiable manually during the search.
  • if the new parameter Creation of a CRM Contact from a new customer contact is set to true, when creating a customer FSContact, a CrmContact will also be created.



Warehouse template and Loading/Unloading records: in the warehouse reasons, the flag Cost Center Management has been added. When loading or unloading a document with a reason that has this new flag set, the warehouse record will have populated the centers present in the Analytical tab of the item line of the document, if these centers cover 100%.

MS - Master Schedule

Production Orders

Production Job Order generation: implemented the management of the non-integer line number in the Generation of Production Orders procedure (#TT03992/24).


Corrective Actions

Corrective Actions: the multi-line management of the Proposed Action and Elements to be evaluated columns present in the Action Programs has been enabled (#TT03938/24).

Complaints and Non-Conformities

Claims and Non-compliance: the possibility to manage additional costs (list of Other Costs) in addition to those already present for the identified defects and for the cost of materials used to remedy them has been implemented (#TT03896/24).

Item Control

Data Sheets and Control Plans: the possibility to specify more than one Client (for Technical Datasheets and Control Plans) and more than one Supplier (only in Control Plans) to be associated with the Properties and Item Tests has been provided (#TT04169/24).


Customer Orders

Search sales orders: in the Tools section, a new button Update prices has been added, a new feature that allows updating prices in order lines based on the valid price lists at the document date or the expected delivery date, also allowing for the updating of lines with manual prices and partially fulfilled lines.

Sales Price Lists

Sales price list search: a Closed button for price lists has been added that allows you to enter the end validity date for the selected price lists.