Release Notes Version 607
In version 607, a technical alignment of BizLink has been made.
In the case of a version update, recheck the parsers and verify their correct functioning.
- Contact import: added Person field in CRM contact import.
- Client/Supplier records: review of support bank deletion.
- CRM:
- when dragging and dropping activities from pending activities to activities log, the description was lost, which has now been restored.
- extra data for contacts made visible directly from within campaigns.
- in the contact, modified the 'Other information' field so that it no longer repeats the VAT number but allows the entry of new data.
- resolved image loading anomaly present in the document template.
- resolved anomalies related to drag & drop of activities configured by workflow status. The start/end reminder date has been made visible in the activity summary.
- resolved duplication issue of 'Activities' in created 'Contacts'.
- Export file for Chart of Accounts and Cash flow for DocFinance: management of line ending characters as CR+LF also for Fluentis server-side installations on Linux.
- Lock Manager: review of assignment of date/user for modification of the sales document lock line.
- Currency Exchange: review of saving the reference date of the exchange rate.
- Control of passive invoices list from Sdi file: review of the procedure.
- E-Transport: added 'Border Crossing' and 'Customs Office' tables.
- Fast start Fluentis2021: in fast start and already active installations, management of default Italian records in the holiday table.
- Management of value discounts in sales documents: unit discount is now managed with a maximum of 8 decimal places, as per limits in Electronic Invoicing.
- Item Navigator: review of the 'Use of credit limits' tab.
Fluentis Framework
- ARM - report: resolved anomaly on localized labels that, in case of a key written in uppercase, was not interpreted correctly by Fluentis.
- WorkFlow Transition: it is now possible to execute a transition in a WorkFlow without changing Object Status. The initial and final states will remain the same, but the transition will still be executed.
Report Management
- Invoice Print: fixed print script.
Administration and Accounting
- Setting commissions for discount bands in agent record: modified closing message in the form to alert that the due dates are missing, added buttons for mass assignment (both start and end dates), buttons active only for this type of commission.
Fixed Assets
- Fixed Assets Depreciation: review execution rollback only at the selection of data in the grid.
- Asset categories: field renamed.
- Fixed Assets Parameters: added new flag for managing the accounting settings of cost centers, activated for companies with active controlling. With this option, the obligation of specific controlling settings is removed and the centers and accounting logics are used (in order, the center in the fixed asset header, that in the asset category, and in the depreciation account), for valuing the analytics.
- Fixed Assets Depreciation Retrieve: revised management and processing.
- Rollback of fixed asset depreciation: the procedure was reviewed for the calculation of possession days and assignment of depreciation date in processing; review for foreign key error on centers related to depreciation.
Correction of application exception: ͞The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_FI_CostCenterDepreciations_FI_FixedAssetDepreciations". The conflict occurred in the database "Fluentis2021Trunk", table "Fluentis.FI_CostCenterDepreciations", column 'FICCD_FixedAssetDepreciation_FIFAD_Id'. The statement has been terminated.͟ - Amortization plans simulation: a procedure for calculating depreciation plan simulations has been created.
- Fixed asset control print: development of a printing procedure for fixed asset control, to verify the consistency between fixed assets module and accounting.
- Print Fixed Asset Cards: tests on the presence of the reference year before executing the report.
- Test values for controlling: filtering for missing CDC, now displays fixed assets assigned not at 100% or with a multiplier of 0.
Accounting Records
- Finance and Control Administration: alignment of user rights management.
- Automatic Accounts Opening:
- deactivation of the posting button after bulk entry of subaccounts, to request data saving.
- management of messages in user language.
- in the table, the fields FIAAO_PostingDateOfClosing, FIAAO_AccrualDateOfClosing, and FIAAO_MovementDescriptionOfClosing have been renamed to "...OfOpening". Alignment of property names.
- Calculation of periodic VAT liquidations: revised tests on belonging to a VAT group.
- Printing Control of Intent Declarations: creation of a new report that displays details of records and documents consuming various intention declarations. Additionally, within the register, the same print process has been activated, which is executed by filtering the selected declarations in the grid.
- Control of Intent Declarations Print: review of management of credit note signs.
- Definitive Journal Print: review of the process.
- Fluentis.FI_Postings Table: renamed field from FIP_PrintingUser_USR_Id_SECU_Id to FIP_PrintingUser_SECU_Id.
- F24 Tables: modified fields FIOA_PeriodeFrom and FIOA_PeriodeTo to FIOA_PeriodFrom and FIOA_PeriodTo.
- VAT Transfer: review of record deletion.
- Account Balance Visualization: review of calculations and filters for reason.
- Visualization of corporate center movements: management of cases with empty currency in center movement.
- Deletion of intrastat lines: reviewed saving process.
- Accounting of purchase and sale invoices: review of intrastat nomenclatures.
- Creation of intra file: before creating the file, it is now verified whether there are lines in the Ter section, without a period or without a year or with both the month and the quarter valued.
- Create INTRASTAT File: if the internal file creation parameter for Entratel is set, the user code from the accounting parameters will be used to name the file and place it in the first line of the file itself. In the case of an intraweb file, the created file will be 'scambi.cee' and will not have the initial line for Entratel.
- Intrastat combined nomenclatures: added flag to identify service codes. The help nomenclature, in the intrastat grids, filters the type based on the line type (quater/quinquies for services, otherwise goods).
- Automatic procedures for intrastat creation (localization in Italian): insertion of a general parameter (of type smallint, tables PARAM_Parameters and fluentis.SH_LocalizationParameters) set to 1 by default, which if set to zero allows not to automatically round the lines exiting the automatic intrastat creation procedures.
- Maturity values management: visualization of bank data taken from the payment creation settings table, to allow modification without having to enter accounting record.
- Item Navigator: review management of 'Use of credit limits' tab.
- Balances and Interannual account closure (Partite e Chiusura conti infrannuale): activation of the 'New' buttons directly upon opening the form.
- Mat. values: set the grid to read-only by default.
- Split maturity values: review of algorithm.
- Field FIDD_SommeRestituite: renamed to FIDD_AmountsReturned.
- Compensation - Line type: management of dictionary in language.
- Enasarco Accounting: review of language management in error messages.
- Professional Men: review of F24 file export in the data valuation section. The exported file was coming out without values.
- Rollback of compensation and payment accounting: review for maintaining the 'Accounted' flag in the header of compensation; enabling rollback of compensation accounting even if the reason has deletion blocking if the payment is settled.
- Reclassifications Comparison: review of management for displaying period details.
- Reclassification patterns: review of insertion of lower-level nodes.
- Budget Reclassifications: review of management of changes in the reclassified account grid.
- Data retrieve from Sales invoices: review of procedure.
- Master consolidation in controlling area: insertion of request message for registration date if not set in the form.
- Adjusting entries and integrations: management of job number field.
- Purchases and Sales Area Valorization: management of the size of jobs if the company has active controlling.
Interannual Closures
- Calculation of amortizations in controlling: review of processing.
- Mid-Year Accounts Closures: insertion of progress bar to display details of steps in execution.
- Mid-year closing: review activation of modification buttons.
- Creation of interannual closure: optimization of execution times.
- Depreciation of fixed assets for controlling: review for calculation on the existing value in the individual period.
- Consolidation: review of rollback procedure.
- Inventory accounting: management of progress bar.
- Project final calculations: review of deletion and creation of new period data.
- Processing of Controlling Periods: added test on the final period for calculating depreciation, which cannot exceed 12.
- First note of physical movements: renamed field and object.
Product Cost
- Product cost history: review of opening in edit/view mode.
Effects Portfolio
- Accounting of effects lists: review for managing accounting with effects that have a line with suspended VAT.
- Effects lists: in the types of lists, creating the new type 'LCR' (French market riba). New button and management of the LCR trace in managing lists.
- Cash Order files Creation: review of localized management of invoice reference text.
Cash Flow
- Cash Flow:
- in manual data transfer from accounting help, optimization of data loading times.
- review of available accounting help when editing the calculated cash flow.
- review of customer order help.
- review of manual data entry from purchase DDT search for optimization times.
- Consolidation: review of rollback tab management.
- Export cash flow for DocFinance:
- the export cash flow for DocFinance no longer sets all flags in the automatic cash flow generation parameters.
- modification of management field "Nr. Titles / Sequence type", 5 characters from position 51, to change from '1 ' to '00001'.
- Automatic cash flow generation: review of advance flow processing.
- Import accounting records from DocFinance
- the form displays the grid for error details.
- review of flow.
- review of management for entering payments for excluding lines linked to accounts different from that of the account holder.
- Import of records from DocFinance module: enabled keyboard deletion of the single selected record in the second grid and added the corresponding button in the ribbon.
- Unpaid: review for fields not in user language.
Supplier Payments
- Automatic Vendor Payments Generation:
- review of activation/deactivation of fields for accounting.
- fix date payment change when the first tab grid is empty.
- Purchase documents: corrected warehouse recording when the parameter reason differs from the item's reason.
- Intent declaration in purchase documents: when inserting the item line or changing the value of the line, a verification is now performed on the remaining available in the intent declaration (based on saved documents excluding those being modified/inserted) to propose the declaration with sufficient remaining to cover the line amount. If none are available, the first with remaining is assigned for potential manual considerations by the user.
Price Management
- Payroll codes: flags inserted to manage Leave/Permits/ROL/Smartworking; block added to identify a single payroll code with all flags and block for modifying payroll codes already used in pay slips.
Purchase DDT
- Purchase delivery note: the 'Manual price' flag is transferred from orders to the DDT.
Purchase Invoices
- Accounting of sales invoices: review of period test for already closed VAT.
Supplier Orders
- Fulfillment of supplier orders: resolved exiting error when saving the DDT after fulfilling a supplier order derived from a job.
- Management of intent declarations in purchase flow: the fulfillment of a supplier order already having the intention declaration VAT rate now verifies if a valid declaration is available to maintain the same rate, reverting to ordinary VAT in case of negative.
- Purchase Orders: in the items of 'Supplier Orders', the outgoing row help by typing % in the 'Supplier Article' has the correct columns.
- Conversion from F2015 to F2021: conversion of vectors to the new collection of vectors in documents.
- Recipients/Destinations/Vectors: in the string with the complete address of recipients/destinations/vectors, the civic number and building are now valued if set in the registry.
- Sales documents: when creating a record with the date of the document, the dates for 'Sender' and 'Recipient', as well as for 'Carrier', are also taken into account.
- Invoices and Sales DDT: the line weight in DDT and invoices is recalculated even when the alternative quantity changes in case of alternative UM 'Mandatory'.
- Management of agent commissions on discount bands: management of bands even when the commission category is not present.
- Intent declaration in sales documents: when inserting the item line or changing the value of the line, a verification is now performed on the remaining available in the intent declaration (based on saved documents excluding those being modified/inserted) to propose the declaration with sufficient remaining to cover the line amount. If none are available, the first with remaining is assigned for potential manual considerations by the user.
Sales DDT
- Delivery Note:
- the final expenses of the DDT reflect the VAT of the intention declaration, even if the DDT comes from an order.
- the article weights are correctly carried from the order to the DDT even passing through picking.
- Recycle Management: the CONAI calculation algorithm now intervenes automatically during DDT/Invoice Creation from Picking. The CONAI recalculation function in Sales DDTs/Invoices now also considers articles passed through Picking.
- Batch reservation: resolved the issue in the 'Batch reservation' procedure during the update of the quantity of the selected batch in the already saved document in the database.
- Stocks Visualization: in the case of 'Create invoice from DDT' and subsequent unloading of the DDT, the 'Inventory visualization' is updated correctly.
Sales Invoices
- Sling Billing: development of form and report alignment.
- Accounting of self-invoices from sales area: in case the provider is present in the self-invoice, the created record will report this data in the partner account of the created accounting record parameters.
- Accounting of sales invoices:
- review of the period test for already closed VAT.
- added option for 'VAT Rate' to assign in the 'VAT' grid to gift amounts; added flag to group the amounts of lines with the same sub-account.
- management of change notes.
- review of due date management for automatic detection of invoices to be received.
- Self-invoice creation in sales from accounting records: the system now reports in the article description the note that is written in the VAT line detail, concatenating the values if they end up in the same line.
- Sdi file creation for sales invoices: management of value discounts, the unit discount must have a maximum of 8 decimal places, mixed discount types are not allowed, nor discounts where the total discount differs from the unit discount by more than a cent.
- Sdi file creation: removal of spaces from Iban tags.
- Fulfillment of multiple orders: control added on recipient and destination in case of Multiple Orders fulfillment in DDT or invoice.
- Electronic invoicing for sales invoices: management of the FSM10 format (simplified invoice) for invoices of type 'VAT-only change notes'.
- Sales Invoices:
- managed the cancellation of invoices generated from 'Valuation intervention', also directly from the 'Invoice Search' form and not only through 'Rollback' of the procedure.
- in 'Valuation interventions', valuing a single intervention with extra data in the header 'Intervention' propagated from 'Customer Registry', was not reported in the invoice despite the activated configuration. In the valuation of multiple interventions, this case did not occur.
- Sdi file generation for sales invoices: review of handling name/surname for individuals connected to the company registry and for the invoice customer.
- Sales invoice reports: added printing of 'Invoicing Scale'.
- Inventory at valued quantity: corrected the anomaly in printing when the flag 'Average Cost' (without from item registry) or the flag 'Last Cost' with item registry were used as valuation.
- Warehouse movement accounting: review of management of registration signs.
- Help Batches: now calculates the decrease in availability of the same, even if the document has not yet been saved in the DB.
- MES: corrected bug in the calculation of the quantity of materials to be consumed in case there are many decimals.
- Creation of Delivery Notes: resolved the anomaly generated during DDT creation from management check.
- Picking management: set default sorting for line ID 'Picking article' (previously it was by Article ID) and made 'Profile management' available.
- Stock Difference: corrected anomaly in search form.
- Warehouse:
- corrected bug in warehouse closing procedure.
- resolved duplication problem of batches following the entry of purchase DDT before the creation of the invoice.
- MPS: corrected bug on states of lines of multi-product jobs.
Job Order
- Returns from Subcontractors:
- corrected bug in the procedure for registering returns.
- in tab 'Materials' > 'Material Detail', it is now possible to load materials into the warehouse even with a new batch different from those already present.
Job Order DDT
- Subcontractor delivery note:
- corrected transfer of 'Weights' between 'Order' and 'Job Order DDT'.
- the price of the material to be delivered to the contractor is always proposed as zero.
- it is possible to change the destination in the DDTs.
- DDT: corrected the manual 'Article search' procedure in the lines of purchase DDTs.
Job Orders
- Subcontractor order: corrected exiting error when changing 'Supplier' in a 'Job Order' derived from 'Release of planned orders'.
Job Returns
- Subcontractor Return: inserted parameter regarding the obligation of batches in 'Job Parameters'.
MES - Manufacturing Execution System
- Reports: resolved the issue of entering batches in the first line of production notifications.
MPS - Manufacturing Planning System
- Machines: 'Machines' can now be associated only with articles of 'Article nature': 'Machine', 'Plant', and 'Plant Components'.
- General scheduling parameters: the 'Consider availability also for the first level' flag is now correctly saved.
MS - Manufacturing Scheduler
- MPS Parameters: a new parameter 'Maximum number of months for scheduling' has been added. The new parameter affects the proposed date 'Schedule up to' present in the 'General parameters' of 'General scheduling' and 'Finite capacity scheduling'. In 'Schedule up to', a number of months equal to that indicated in the new parameter will be added to today's date.
- General Schedule: corrected bug in case a work order is scheduled in executive status.
Production Jobs
- Production job order: the field 'Mandatory Date' (FSProductionJobOrder.Date) within production jobs has been made editable.
Project Management
- Task:
- introduced management of vacation/leave/ROL calculation in data processing for payroll.
- resolved the anomaly where expenses incurred in the intervention were not reported correctly in the corresponding activities generated by the intervention.
- Activity declaration: a new field has been added in the activity declaration interface that allows indicating the minutes of overlap with other activities/interventions.
- Requests for vacation/leave: corrected control for date succession in requests.
- Generation of interventions from planned to calendar: the type of intervention configured for the planned type is proposed.
- Planned Interventions: the total amount of the planned intervention is recalculated based on the hours defined in the time slot entered in customer registry or, if null, taken from 'Project Management' parameters.
- Service Activities:
- if the expense amount = 0, the alert for missing attachment is not displayed.
- fixed the error when creating the intervention from the calendar.
Project Management
- Payroll: wage code replacement in the payroll, if configured, for activities with 'Smart working' flag active.
- Automatic sprint creation: corrected the procedure for creating and opening sprints for client, PM, and time period.
- Projects: managed propagation of extra data in documents linked to the WBS of the project for which the extra data has been configured.
- Work project status: added management of 'Nature' in the table for 'Cost/Revenue origin types'; corrected several anomalies in the processing of SAL.
- WorkReport valorization: resolved case where the WIP reversal line was not inserted in the invoice.
- Payroll: in pay slips, in the 'Valor' grid, the summary list of movements with the 'External' flag enabled has been removed.
- Employees: in payroll processing, the hours configured in the 'Main Shift' are considered if present; otherwise, the work schedule configuration is considered.
- Vacation / Leave Request: upon confirmation of the period, the 'Managed' flag is set.
- Totals for payroll: corrected anomaly in deleting pay slips linked to residual vacation-permits-ROL.
- Resources - Payroll: specific cases for travel hours with travel allowances have been managed.
- Resources:
- changed the grouping criterion for lines in pay slips: Resource, Payroll Code in activity, Activity Date, Internal/External Flag of the type of intervention linked to the activity (if present).
- generation and manual insertion from scratch of planned interventions/activities adds the 'Smart working' flag based on the resource registry configuration.
Instrument Calibration
- Measurement Tools:
- 'Measuring instruments' can now be associated only with articles of 'Article nature' 'Equipment'.
- New information has been managed in the record:
- Calibration, Maintenance/Assistance Suppliers, Location;
- if owned by the customer and Customer owner;
- Calibration Class (and related new management table);
- a list of Calibratable Articles with the instrument in management.
External Source Documents
- Categories: the new management that allows coding the Categories of external source documents has been implemented.
For category, it is possible to indicate:
- the location site;
- the responsible function;
- the distribution list;
- the access list to other functions.
Internal Source Documents
- Categories: the new management that allows coding the Categories of internal source documents has been implemented.
For category, it is possible to indicate:
- the coding method;
- the location site;
- the function responsible for verification/approval;
- the function responsible for drafting/issuing;
- the distribution list;
- the access list to other functions.
Article Control
- Article Control: management of Destructive Test Types and related movement.