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Form Customizations and Profile Management

Form Customizations

Form customizations (size/position/new fields) must be stored with a user profile in order to set them as defaults for the user, multiple users, or for user roles (through the Profile Rights button): if they are not saved, they will be lost upon closing the form.

These also store the positioning of the columns, their size, but modifications to the layouts of the forms themselves are also allowed, by deleting, adding, or repositioning the fields available within the form or in the Object Navigator.


1. Open the Form Navigator on the left side of the chosen form:

  • if we are in a filter form, open the Filter widget and select the Filter to make the Customization mode option visible and selectable at the bottom.

  • if we are in a document form, select it to enable and select the Customization mode option at the bottom.

2. At this point, the filter or form will be bordered in red and fields can be selected to move, delete, or add new ones from the Object Navigator that is present on the right side.

3. Once the form is set up, save the profile to make it available later or set it for other users through profile management.

Profile Management


A new profile can be saved using the Save as button.

The button will open a new form where you can enter the First Name of the new profile you wish to save.

The new profile can be modified later and saved with the Save Layout button, or it can be deleted with the Delete Layout button, or it can be made available/set for other users using the Profile Rights button, which will open the Profile Management form from which different options can be chosen to be further saved with the Save Layout button.