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Item Control Types

The table can be found in the path Tables > Quality > Item Controls > Item Control Types.

In this table, it is possible to code the Item Control Types.
The Item Control Type is an integral part, along with the Year and Number, of the unique code for the Item Control. Some examples of the use of Item Control Types can be found in the managements:

Import items to check - in the header info;
Item controls - in the list of header info;
Certificates of Analysis - in the Controls and detected values tab;
Item Controls Parameters - in the General tab;
and in all the managements where the Item Control is used.

The table allows the insertion of new records or the search for existing ones to view, modify, or delete them.

Search Item Control Types

The form consists of a filter area and a result area. Once all the desired filters are set, simply click the Search button to display the results in the result grid.

Insert Item Control Types

To insert new Item Control Types, it is necessary to click on the first empty row in the grid or press the New button.
For the new record, at least the mandatory fields required by the program must be filled out: Code and Description.

Item Control Types

This is the list where the main information of the Item Control Types is entered.
The list consists of the following information:

Control type: this is the code of the Item Control Type.
Description Item Control Type: this is the description of the Item Control Type.
Warehouse: this is the code of the Warehouse proposed in Item Control > Tests > Warehouse; it is the quality control Warehouse used to move the items, once checked, to the respective compliant and non-compliant Warehouse (if set as an offset in the respective Causal).

Template for unload non-compliant items: this is the code of the Warehouse template proposed in Item Control > Tests > Template for unload non-compliant items; it is the Causal for withdrawal used to move the non-compliant items, once checked, to the respective non-compliant Warehouse; the offset Causal is not mandatory if one does not wish to manage a scrap Warehouse or replenishment after subsequent reconditioning or processing of the checked item.
Template for unload compliant items: this is the code of the Warehouse template proposed in Item Control > Tests > Template for unload compliant items; it is the Causal for withdrawal used to move the compliant items, once checked, to the respective compliant Warehouse; it is advisable to set the related offset Causal to make the compliant item available again once checked.
Template for unload destructive tests: this is the code of the Warehouse template proposed in Item Control > Tests > Template for unload destructive tests if the Test is of type Destructive; it is the Causal for withdrawal used to move the non-compliant items, once checked; no offset Causal is provided since the Test is of type Destructive and it is impossible to carry out subsequent reconditioning or processing of the checked item.
Proposed certificate type: this is the code of the Certificate of Analysis type proposed when creating a new Certificate of Analysis from this Item Control Type.
Warehouse description: this is the description of the Warehouse;
Template for unload non-compliant items description: this is the description of the Template for unload non-compliant items;
Template for unload compliant items description: this is the description of the Template for unload compliant items;
Template for unload destructive tests description: this is the description of the Template for unload destructive tests;
Proposed certificate type description: this is the description of the Proposed Certificate Type;
Notes: free annotations.

Extra Data

It is possible to insert general Extra Data for the Item Control Types.
These Extra Data are inherited in the Item Controls of that specific type.

For everything not detailed in this document regarding the common functionality of the forms, please refer to the following link Custom features, buttons and fields.