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Result Types

The table is located on the path Tables > Quality > General > Result Types.

In this table, it is possible to encode the Result Types obtained subsequent to surveys or activities.
Some examples of using Result Types can be found in the management:

Test Types - in the Possible Results tab;
Items Control - in the Tests tab;
Certificates of Analysis - in the Controls and Detected Values > Detected Values tab;
M.E.S. - in the Quality Controls > Tests tab;
Calibration Tool - in the header info and in the Detected Values tab;
Corrective Actions - in the Verifications Next Audit and Corrective Action Programs tabs.

The table allows you to insert new records or to search for existing ones to view, modify, or delete them.

Search Result Types

The form consists of a filter area and a result area. Once all desired filters are set, simply click the Search button to display the results in the result grid.

Insert Result Types

To be able to insert new Result Types, you must click on the first empty row in the grid or press the New button.
For the new record, at least the mandatory fields required by the program must be entered: Code and Description.

Specific Fields:

Result: is the code of the Result Type.
Result Description: is the description of the Result Type.
Positive Result: indicates whether the outcome should be recognized as positive or negative by the system.
Sequence: is the order of display in the lists of Result Types.
Notes: free annotations.

For everything not detailed in this document on the common functioning of forms, please refer to the following link Custom Features, Buttons, and Fields.