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Location Status

This table manages the codification of different conditions of location to be managed in order to be available in the specific modules.

RIBBON BAR: it represents the form menu that is the area in which it is possible to perform actions linked to the procedure in use. The list of possible features is the following:

SearchButton to apply search filters within database of the inserted location conditions.
InsertButton to insert a new location status.
DeleteButton to delete the selected location.
Print PreviewButton to perform the print preview.
PrintButton to print the report.

FILTER AREA: it contains the list of possible data types, thanks to which it is possible to perform a selection. In this case the search filter refers to the status and description of the location status.

RESULT GRID: it represents the list of location status, which refer to the filter data above mentioned. After having specified the values, through which obtain a research of location status, the user, by clicking on the [Search] button on the related Ribbon, will obtain a list of the location status in the result grid.

**Insert Location Status


In order to insert new codifications of the Location Status, it is necessary to click on the first empty record (or on the [insert] button in the related ribbon bar). So it is possible to specify the alphanumeric code for the Type and its description.