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The table is opened via the path Tables > General Settings > Carriage and is used to enter the delivery terms that can be used in purchase/sale documents.

It allows for the entry of new records or for searching existing ones to view, modify, or delete them.

The form consists of a filter area and a results area. Once all desired filters are set, simply click the Search button to display the results within the results grid.

To enter new records, you need to click on the first empty row in the upper grid or press the New button.


Code/Description: indicate a unique code for the delivery term and its description;

Intra Code: indicate the official code to be used in the intrastat declaration;

Intra sign: optional field, used to indicate whether the expenses of the document, which have the Stat. Intra flag, increase or decrease the merchandise value for the calculation of the statistical value;

ISO code of nation indicates that this code can be used in the intrastat declarations of companies of this nationality;

Charges: enables expense management for the intrastat statistical value;

Expiration Date: indicates the end date of the delivery term's validity.


In the grid, it is possible to set the language descriptions for the selected row in the Carriage grid.

For everything not detailed in this document on the common functionality of forms, please refer to the following link Common functionalities, buttons, and fields.