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Through this mask it is possible to enter the last bills portfolio phase: the procedure will close the presentation account in order to credit the effective current account of bank register to the list.

The upper part of the mask has the task to set the search filters: the credits accounting can be performed only as regards accounted bills. The selection is performed on bills detail in order to identify the amounts credited according to the due date.

The section about accounting setting can be pre-determined within the bills portfolio module parameters. It is necessary to assign accounting template, reference dates for record and possible accounting detail accounts. In particular, the commissions can be proposed per bill and base on commissions set in bank register. The passive charges are calculated according to discount lists.

RIBBON BAR: it represents the Menu form, that is the area in which it is possible to perform actions linked to the procedure in use. The list of features is the following:

SearchIt searches the list of bills to be credited.
AccountingIt performs the accounting of the selected lines.