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The supplier payment module is primarily used to create payment lists, typically for bank transfers: the module, in fact, allows for the telematic sending of the SEPA (.xml) payment files for bank transfers.

It is also possible to manage files for SDD lists, a format that has replaced the previous R.i.d. lists used for direct debit authorizations in current accounts at the European level.

The module also allows for the telematic import of payment notices for passive bank receipts and then proceed with their authorization and payment, by sending the return flow with the authorized receipts to the bank, thus completing the procedure with the automatic accounting of executed payments.

You can create a new payment list by retrieving data from the open supplier accounts present, directly interfacing with the administrative module: it will be possible to proceed with the accounting of the related movements, closing the corresponding entries included in the payment list, and reversing the relative balance at the accounting level.

Preliminary Tables to Use the Module:

  • Records associated with bank account type: necessary to address the payment list, the bank account type is populated during the Fast Start procedure.
  • Ledger templates to be used for accounting: these are the normal supplier payment ones created by the Fast Start procedure.
  • Payment type table: to be called in the payment list header, already populated by the Fast Start procedure.
  • Supplier payment numeration: to define the associated numerators, already populated by the Fast Start.


Supplier Payment Parameters.

FunctionMeaningVideo Tutorial Link
Block Passive Maturity ValueButton to proceed with mass management of blocks for passive mat. values.YouTube Link
Automatic supplier payment creationButton for automatic creation of a supplier payment.YouTube Link
Payment support managementButton to manage banking supports for payments.YouTube Link
AccountingButton to proceed with the accounting of supplier payments.YouTube Link