Sales Invoice Search
The form opens through the path Sales > Invoices > Invoice Search.
For an explanation of the functionalities common to sales documents, please refer to the section Sales.
Specific Buttons
- Reversal turnover: with this procedure, it is possible to partially or fully cancel invoices. Once the button is clicked, a pop-up will appear where you can select the item lines to cancel along with the respective quantities, enter the Document Type to create (only Invoice types with nature Credit Note can be selected), and enter the Warehouse Cancellation Reason (generally a charge). It is possible to cancel lines of type 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
- ES status: this combo box shows the SDI Status of the selected invoice, including: Not Examined, Controlled, To Be Sent, Canceled, Excluded, Generated. It is possible to modify the SDI Status directly from this mask. For more information, please refer to Electronic Invoicing Management.
- Electronic invoicing: this section contains the Electronic Invoicing status of the selected document, and the button ES document log which is enabled if the selected invoice is in SDI status Controlled or later; it allows you to consult the history of the document's relations with the SDI and view the generated xml file, without having to go through the Outgoing Sales Documents.