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Outgoing Sales Documents

The form "Outgoing Sales Documents" is divided into two sections: a header that contains the filter fields used to filter the documents, and a result grid of the performed search:

Buttons on the ribbon bar:

  • Search: initiates the search in the result grid according to the data present in the header filters
  • View: opens the integrated viewer to display the XML file according to the pre-loaded stylesheet within Fluentis to allow for "clear" viewing
  • Open document: opens the invoice document related to the XML file in question
  • Download attachment: downloads a copy of the XML file locally to the PC to manage it, for example, with third-party sending services
  • Reload file: Active when the row is in Generated status and allows reloading the file from an external folder (local or network); useful to allow reloading an XML in which manual intervention was needed to set some specific or unmanaged tag (without having to go through the signed step as in the past). Fluentis checks that the file has the same name and that the XML is syntactically correct but does not test the ES structure (therefore, an incorrect tag or one with wrong values will not receive any message and the ES sending will not occur). In the log related to the file, (for example, by pressing View), the Information field indicates that the file has been manually overwritten and the date.

Values presented in the grid:

  • ES Status: the status of the document regarding its sending to the ES via Fluentis Business Hub

  • Type: the reference code for the type of sales document

  • Date, Number, Customer: the date, the document number, and the customer invoice holder

  • Customer Received Date: the delivery date of the document to the customer or the date of "making available" the document in the customer's reserved area. The latter case refers to instances where the ES is unable to accurately identify the principal/cessionary.

  • ES File Name: the name of the XML file created when the document is moved to the GENERATED state; in its original format or after applying the digital signature, it represents the invoice file to be sent to ES.

  • Date of Last Event: refers to the last action taken by the operator or the last notification received from the ES during the document management process.

By clicking on the expander next to an invoice (the + button at the far left), the details of the transitions related to the document's states are opened, and the individual transitions occurring in the document management along with their execution dates and the name of any file generated by the state change are displayed:

The documents presented in the ES Document Log grid are all those created from the active invoice document management flow, regardless of their status; a double-click action on a row of an invoice opens the panel where the documents created during the management of the invoice file and the history of transitions can be viewed.

In the ES Document Log grid, by selecting an invoice document or multiple invoice documents in the same status, it is possible to manage the document processing state using the State combo in the ribbon menu and selecting the new document status: