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Calibration Tools

Management can be found on the path Quality > Calibration Tools > Calibration Tools > New Calibration Tools or it can be performed from Calibration Tools Search.

What is it for

In the Calibration Tools management, it is possible to register Internal Calibrations and Calibration Certificates.
If the instrument is subject to calibration and the calibration is internal, it is possible to enter the recorded values for the specified positions. Fluentis will automatically assign a positive or negative result for each individual position and overall.
If the instrument is subject to calibration and the calibration is external, it is possible to attach the Calibration Certificate received from the third party that performed the calibration. The result will be manually attributed by the user in this case.
Standard reports available include: Instrument Calibration Log grouped by: Report, Instrument, and User.

Standard reporting is available for:

Instrument Calibration Log: list of Calibration Tools groupable by: Report, Instrument, and Carried out by.

Command Buttons


By pressing this button, all modified information of the displayed Calibration Tool is saved.

Data Management

Header Data

The managed information includes:

Calibration Type: it is the Calibration Type (mandatory data).
When manually entering a new Calibration, the Manual Calibration Type indicated in the Calibration Tools Parameters is proposed.

Year/Number: these are the Year and Number of the Calibration Tool (both mandatory data).
When entering a new Calibration Tool:

  • the Effective Calibration Date is proposed as today’s date;
  • the Year and Number are proposed based on the Effective Calibration Date and the Numeration associated with the Calibration Type.

Calibration carried out by: expander where it is possible to enter:

Internal Calibration: indicates that the Measurement Tool is calibrated by an internal subject of the company.
External Laboratory: it is the business name of the Supplier that performs the external calibration.
Function: it is the Business Function that performs the internal calibration.
Employee: it is the Employee who performs the internal calibration.

Scheduled: indicates that the Calibration Tool has been planned.
Calibration Result: it is the overall Result of the calibration.
It is automatically calculated based on the Results of the Detected Values, if it is an Internal Calibration.
It is manually assigned if it is an External Calibration.
Remarks: free notes on the subject.
Notes: free notes.

Scheduled Calibration Date: it is the planned calibration date.
It is proposed by the Schedule New Calibrations and is not modifiable.
Effective Calibration Date: it is the date of the effective calibration.
When manually entering a new calibration, it is proposed as today’s date. It is proposed by the Schedule New Calibrations as the Scheduled Calibration Date and is subsequently modifiable.
Measurement Tool: it is the reference to the Measurement Tool subject to Calibration.

Properties of the Tool: expander where it is possible to view:

Properties of the Tool: it is the Model of the Measurement Tool.
Active: indicates that the Measurement Tool is still active.
Classification: it is the Classification; examples: Mechanical, Electrical, Electronic, etc.
Unit of Measure: it is the Unit of Measure of the values recorded by the Measurement Tool.
Range of Measurement: it is the measurable range of the Measurement Tool.
Accuracy: it is the minimum Measurement Precision.
Limits: these are the Acceptance Limits of the Measurement Tool for use; examples: potential precision limits, environments where it should not be used, etc.

Audit Trail: read-only expander where the following information is visible:

Creation Date/Name: it is the date and the User A.R.M. who entered the Corrective Action.
Last Edit Date/Name: it is the date and the User A.R.M. who made the last edit to the Corrective Action.

Detected Values

The tab is only visible if the Measurement Tool is subject to Internal Calibration. In this list, it is possible to indicate the values to be detected during Internal Calibration activities.
If the Measurement Tool is Active, Subject to calibration, and if it is Internal Calibration, these values are inherited from the item register of the Measurement Tool.
All information is disabled except for: Data detected, Result, Remarks, and Notes. The list consists of the following information:

Sequence: it is the recording sequence.
Position: free notes on the subject.
Reading Interval: free notes on the subject.
Required Data: it is the typical required value.
Uncertainty (-): it is the negative uncertainty value (expressed as a percentage) that will be applied to the Data detected.
Uncertainty (+): it is the positive uncertainty value (expressed as a percentage) that will be applied to the Data detected.
Data Detected: it is the value detected from the reading of the instrument made in the indicated position.
Variance: it is the value calculated from the difference between Data detected and Required Data.
If the deviation is greater than the Data detected plus the Uncertainty (±) (application in percentage), the Result of the detection will be negative.
At the first negative Result value in the list of Detected Values, the overall Calibration Result will also be negative.
Remarks: free notes on the subject.
Note: free notes.

Reports and Calibration Certificates History

In this list, it is possible to view the history of Calibrations and Calibration Certificates planned and performed for the Measurement Tool associated with the displayed Calibration.
By double-clicking the desired line, it is possible to manage the selected Calibration.
The list consists of the following information:

Calibration Type: it is the code of the Calibration Type.
Calibration Type Description: it is the description of the Calibration Type.
Year: it is the Year of the document.
Number: it is the Number of the document.
Internal Calibration: indicates if an Internal Calibration has been issued.
Scheduled: indicates if the document has been scheduled (planned).
Scheduled Date: it is the planned calibration date.
Calibration Date: it is the date of the effective calibration.
Result: it is the code of the Calibration Result.
Result Description: it is the description of the Calibration Result.
Category: it is the code of the Category Tool.
Category Description: it is the description of the Category Tool.
Code: it is the code of the Measurement Tool.
Serial Number: it is the serial number of the Measurement Tool.
Model: it is the model of the Measurement Tool.
External Laboratory: it is the business name of the Supplier that performs the external calibration.
Function: it is the code of the Business Function that performs the internal calibration.
Function Description: it is the description of the Business Function that performs the internal calibration.
Code: it is the code of the Employee who performs the internal calibration.
Surname: it is the last name of the Employee who performs the internal calibration.
Name: it is the first name of the Employee who performs the internal calibration.

Extra Data

It is possible to enter Extra Data for each Calibration Tool.


The picture associated with the management of the Measurement Tool is displayed.

For anything not detailed in this document regarding the common operation of forms, please refer to the following link Custom features, buttons, and fields.